25th Period - Breaking Free

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Author: If you get my reference, then I applaud to you! Tbh; I cringed.


"Goodness gracious, what the hell!" Akari stomped her foot angrily. As they had been leisurely staying inside the pocket thing took an unfortunate turn. Despite Korosensei's heroic deed of trying to get them out as fast as he could travel, the said teacher had put them in a predicament.

Trapped in all sides, boulders upon boulders of the ruined ceiling parts covered all exits. Even the ceiling was covered and how it happened was beyond their comprehension.

Akari glared at Korosensei who was sweating profusely. "Care to tell me again, why you were going through the damn walls?" She tapped her foot impatiently, a menacing smile on her face.

"I-I thought it would be...faster..." He gulped as the aura grew heavier.

"If it wasn't a collapsing building, maybe." She pointed an accusing finger at him. "But, you! Destroyed all our exits and now we're trapped and you won't do anything about it!" She poked her finger on his jelly-like body as it bounced back whenever she did.

A hand grasped her wrist and she turned irritatedly at the owner. "Cool down a bit. We'll figure it out how to get out after we all rest for a bit." He jabbed a thumb back to the students who had collapsed, either to rest or well barf the contents of their stomach due to the unexpected transportation.

Akari sighed and retreated to an available wall. She leaned back and slid down to the floor with a sigh. She rests her head in between her knees. The sound of others taking a spot near her echoed in her ears.

"I think I lost a few years of my life in this expedition." Rio complained.

"We're probably only one-eight done, of the who knows how many things, this creepy stalker of a human has given us." Akari retorted.

"We can't even do one without failing miserably!" Kayano added. "I mean, look at this mess!"

"We'll be fine, I know we can do this." Nagisa cheered. He glances at Karma. "Right?"

"Sure," The redhead was focused on the paper in his hold. "Hey, what does this mean?" He holds out the paper to Akari, who examines the content.

"An exit?" She questions.

"A secret one?" Nagisa inquired. The few who had gathered formed a circle and looked at the picture one by one.

"It would've been buried in rubble by now, wouldn't it?" Yuuma mentions. Itona scanned it with a thoughtful eye.

"Not necessarily." He placed the paper down and points at a certain spot. "We're probably around here. So, if we go through this rubble–he points at the rubble where Korosensei was sitting on–there should be a control panel that will open the secret path." He stares at us. "...probably..." He mumbled.

We bowed our heads in defeat. "In the end, it was all a speculation huh?" Maehara mumbles.

"At least it's better than any of the ideas your probably thinking of right now." Rio comments.

"Pfft—!" Nagisa covers his mouth. Karma and Akari bursts into hysterical laughter while the others held back their own, but they all had sloppy smiles on their faces.

"You guys are so mean!" Maehara cried.

"It's our love for you~" Kayano said through giggles.




Akari wiped a tear and stood up. "It's worth a try at least." She turns to them. "Unless someone has other ideas?" The rest look at each other and shook their heads.

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