6th Period - Transfer Student (1st Day)

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Shiro's POV

I woke up. That was quite the dream. I stretch my hands as I got up, letting the blanket fall down. I made my way down the stairs and saw Kiku.

"Good morning..." I greeted, lazily. She didn't answer. Seems to me that she's very focused on her job. I yawn and drank a cold glass of water.

I made my way back to the bathroom and brushed my teeth. Afterwards, I put on the school uniform and grabbing my pack along the way.

"I'm heading out!" I say as I tapped my shoe on the floor. I climb the usual, torturous mountain climb. Goodness, Summer is really hot here. Oh, right. Now that I think about it...

"I have to look for my destined person or else I die..." I mutter in English under my breath. Then, someone taps my shoulder. I yelp in surprise and turn to see who it was.

"Yo!" Karma said, accompanied with another smirk. I look at him, my face emotionless.

"Please don't sneak up on me like that. Ever." I say as I turn back around and continued towards the classroom.

I slide the doors open and made my way to my seat. Karma walked in just after me and the two of us sat in our respective seats.

"Good morning, Karma-kun, Shiro." Nagisa greets us, standing in between mine and Karma's desk.

"Morning~" Karma says with a smile.

"Good morning, Nagisa." I say, not looking at him as I tried to busy myself with a textbook. Not that I even needed it anymore.

Yuuma comes in the class, drops his back at his desk and made his way to me.

"Did he do anything to you yesterday?" He asks. I look up and a tint of pink appears on my cheeks. I instantly look down at my desk, trying to regain my composure.

"Not really." I say, my voice sounding monotone.

"Are you sure?" He insists. "I saw yesterday by the window. Why were you covering your lips?" I look up at him, my face pale. Nagisa and Karma look at each other, trying to figure out the situation from what Yuuma said.

Karma's POV

"You saw...?" Shiro looks up at Yuuma. I could see her face growing pale.

Did he just say, he was covering his lips? I thought to myself.

"Hey, Yuuma." I start, "From your view, what did their position look like?" Yuuma looks at me and thinks.

"It looked to me that Shiro was pushed to....a wall.." Yuuma looks at Shiro and he instantly looks away. "Don't tell me..." Shiro slightly nods.

Uh oh. Let's hope he won't shout.

"Gakushū kissed you?!" Yuuma shouts, attracting everyone in the classroom. I look at the doors and noticed Korosensei eavesdropping. Again.

Korosensei's POV

"Nurufufufu, Shiro and Gakushū. What an interesting pair." I looks down at mu watch and right on cue the bell rings.

I enter the classroom with a wider grin.

Third Person's POV

Shiro looks up at Yuuma, colour-leaving her face. Yuuma, realizing his actions, covers his mouth.


"What happening?"

"Shiro and Gakushū?"

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