30th Period - Screwing Sneak Attacks

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A chill ran down Shiro's entire being as she felt the murderous intent from Akari. Nervously chuckling as she proceeded to tail her former classmates.

"She totally heard my rambles." She said with light laughter.


"It's so damn dark! I wish I had night vision." Karma said as he ran alongside Nagisa. Kayano overhears and rolls her eyes.

"If only that were possible," she replied sarcastically.

"Shh! Stop!" Akari grabs Kayano and Karma by the collar, halting their movements while Itona and Nagisa, paused their advance.

Silent rustles tickled their ears for a moment before stopping. Akari signals for Itona to check whatever it was. Stealthily in the dark, he made his way to the shrubbery and with but a glance he spots five pairs of glasses hidden in plain sight. Pausing for a moment as he glanced around the area but saw nothing noteworthy. He snatches the pairs of glasses and tosses it to each one.

"Looks like your dream of having night vision has come true." He said, a tone of amusement in his voice as he put on the glasses for himself.

"Night vision glasses? In the forest? In the shrubs? Someone's obviously helping us!" Kayano exclaims in delight.

"Or this could be a trap, luring us to believe someone is helping us. Let our guard down and kill us off." Karma states, putting on the glasses himself and admiring the perfect vision it gave him. "I can finally see! Man, blind people sure have it tough." He mumbles.

Akari stares at the pair of night vision glasses. SO OBVIOUS! Just what the hell are you thinking, Shiro~~~!!


"At~chooo~~!" Shiro sneezes into her sleeve, muffling the sound. She sniffles, turning her gaze back to the others. "Talking about me are ya? Payback?" She smirks.

Well, giving them the night glasses was my intention from the start but I didn't really get the chance and well, that was the perfect chance. Though, it was kind of conspicuous.

"My generosity knows no bounds!" She mumbled proudly to herself.


"Okay, let's continue. I'm sure we aren't that far away from our destination." Akari said, her gaze hardening. "Let's go kill that little runt."

"Ooo, holding back on your usual profanities?" Karma teases.

"Cursing is Shiro's specialty. I can't steal her limelight when it comes to cursing one's demise." She replies with a smile. "Move out, team!" As she said that, the five continued their pursuit.

"We're acting like soldier rather than assassins." Nagisa mentions.

"Obviously!" Akari says. "Assassins rarely work in groups. It's best to work alone than to trust your back to someone else. Trust is a peculiar thing, we don't go trusting just anyone." She explained.

An audible snort came from behind them causing the group to grow cautious. Akari — being the only one to know of who the person stalking them was — immediately went red from both rage and embarrassment. I swear to god, can't she be less obvious?! Akari grumbled in vain.


Shiro's body grew tense as she felt the atmosphere shift. An ominous feeling rose from her chest and she couldn't help but look up towards the peak, her eyes narrowed dangerously. Although her control over her emotions was terrible, she had prided in her control over her killing intent. And the only time she let go of the reins where when she was truly in a deadly situation. Even the trouble with that wannabe wasn't enough for her to unleash her talent.

As she followed behind the group, she had gathered acorns and sticks. Wonder if she remembers our old acorn code? Shiro pondered.


"Ow!" Akari held the back of her head as she turned around. Next thing she knew, she was hit once more, this time in the forehead. "What..." She took a quick glance on the floor, two acorns laid down just a few inches away from her feet.

"What's wrong?" Karma called. she shook her head.

"Nothing really, just some squirrels hating on me." She replied, rolling her eyes as she glanced at the acorns. Akari picks up the squirrel food as another three fly her way which she easily caught. She stuffs them in her pockets, her eyes narrowing and her lips curled into a smile. "Let's keep going, we're getting close to our destination."

The rest of the team nods, moving quicker than before.


"Took you guys long enough." She said bored. Kuro sat lazily on a chair, her elbow on the armrest as she leaned her chin on the palm of her hands. In her other hand, she twiddled with a knitting needle before chucking it towards us but missing and it travels far into the distance.

"And here I though you would've ran by now." Akari sneered. Boisterous laughter exited Kuro's mouth as if she heard the best joke in her life.

"Why would I run? From someone like you?" Kuro scoffs. "You're not even worth my time."

"Well, we've wasted quite a bit of your time now haven't we?" Karma intervened. He points a gun at her. Everyone immediately got ready to fight, their handguns out. Akari twirled twin daggers in her hands, stopping as she held them in a reverse hold as she crossed her arms in front of her.

Akari ran towards Kuro as she brought her arms above her head and stabbed down at the female. Kuro quickly fled from her seat as the blades stabbed through the head of the chair. "NOW!" Akari ordered. Gunshots echoed, fake bullets whooshed by as the target avoided each barrage swiftly.

"Is that all you've got!?" Kuro mocked, laughing. A small glint of light made Akary wary.

"Duck!" A voice thundered. Instinctively, everyone in the cave got down on the floor. An intense breeze went by their heads. Once they looked up, the only thing they could do was open their mouths in surprise. In Kuro's hands was an 18 feet long glaive. The large blade on the end was 8 feet long. A shiver went down their spines as the thought of their heads getting cut clean off entered their minds.

Had that voice not warned them, they would've been dead without even knowing it!

"Now, it's my turn!" A sinister smile graced Kuro's lips.


Hey, guys! Been a while. Again. I'm so bad at this, sorry for the delaaayyyy. I was a total laze during the summer but hey writers block! I was trying to tap out some ideas on paper, that didn't work. Ended up doodling on the page or well, came out with another story which is still kind of new.

It's another fanfic called "I'll Be Your Hero". This time it's Boku No Hero Academia because that's all the craze right now. If you don't know it, I highly recommend watching it or if you don't watch read the manga. It's absolute banger! (Ireland Boys language getting to me, oh shit). Read my new fanfic, as well as my Naruto fic, "Scars". If you have the time of day but anyways guys.

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