Christmas Special

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Hey guys~! ITS CHRISTMAS HOLY FUDGE! And this is my present for you~ <3
Merry Christmas!

Ohhh and, the next chappy is coming? :))

Anyways, on with the Christmas Special!

P.S - this has absolutely nothing to do with the current story!

Huh? Who are you guys?

Eh? They're visitors?!

You didn't know?

No one told me there would be visitors today!

Well, they're here now. Greet them properly. That's your job.

Yes, yes. Ahem, hello dear visitors. Welcome to Shiro's Fantasy Land!

Now, now. Please be seated and watch as the beautiful ship set sails~!


I tread up the mountain to reach the old, wooden building especially made for us 'terrible' students.

E-Class or End Class, as those people in the main campus call it. I still don't quite get why they hated us. I mean, we are absolutely charming people. Exceptionally Captivating, am I right? or am I right?

My eye twitches. That was cringe worthy. I cringe at my own stupid jokes, breathing out. White smokes formed around, little flurries floating down from the sky. I rub my bare hands together.

"So cold." I mutter. I notice two figures ahead of me. "Oh, people! HEY--" I quickly clamp a hand down my mouth and dashed off to the forest, my eyes still on the two figures.

I breathe out a sigh of relief, leaning my back on a tree. I peek out to the side and focused my eyes on the two who were chatting mindlessly, despite being somewhat trained to be assassins, the two have yet to notice me.

"They must be that in love~" I smirk, following them up the mountain. The two silhouettes are now in full-view, a glint in my eye as I see them holding hands and sharing a scarf.

I squeal internally as I swiftly (and secretly) took commemorative photos of this discovery. Okay, time to interrupt these lover boys.

"Nagisa! Karma!" I shout coming out of the forest beside them, they jump in surprise. Immediately the two let go of each other's hands and Nagisa takes back his scarf.

"Yo, Shiro." Karma greets, raising a hand up while putting the other in his pocket.

"M-Merry Christmas, Shiro." Nagisa bows, a blush evident on his ears.

"Merry Xmas~! It's cold right?" I jog up to them, walking beside Nagisa.

"Yea, my face is a bit cold." Nagisa says, burying his face slightly in the scarf. I place both hands on his cheeks and squished them.

"Hey, stop that." Karma grabs my arms, stopping me. I smirk.

"What? What? Could it be possible?" I feign shock, placing a hand on my heart. "Akabane Karma is jealous~?" I smile, teasingly punching his arm. At this, of course, the redhead blushed.

"What? I-Idiot! I'm not jealous."

Totally tsundere material.

"Uh-huh, sure sure, lets go with that." I roll my eyes, waving it off. "I'll be a bit nicer, since it's Christmas after-all." He clicks his tongue, muttering something about my idea of nice. I push the two on their backs, making them walk faster, reaching our destination.

I walk in by myself, greeting my classmates.

"Merry Christmas everyone~!" I greet, the two males behind me following.

"Oh! Stop, you two!" Rio stops the two males while everyone smirked and took out their phones.

"W-What?" Karma asks. I point up. Shiro and Karma looked up and immediately paled.

"You guys aren't serious right?" Nagisa asks, nervously laughing. I giggle.

"Of course we are." Kayano responds. "We're all serious, right everyone?" Everyone, of course nods.

"You've got to be kid--"

"Shut up and kiss." Itona buts in.

"Yea, yea. You are under the mistletoe~!" Hinano squeals.

"Kiss, kiss, kiss!" Everyone began to chant. Nagisa and Karma awkwardly looked at each other.

Karma scratches his cheek, a blush on his cheeks. Nagisa fidgeted on the spot, completely red in the face.

"Hurry up! My arm is hurting from the wait." I complained, the two glared at me and I put my arms up in surrender.
Karma makes the first move, putting an arm around Nagisa's waist. I immediately press the record button on my phone. Karma uses his finger to life Nagisa's flushed face up to face him as he leaned in for the kiss, his eyes closing in the process. Karma tightens his grip around Nagisa's waist. Nagisa clutching onto Karma's chest. And finally...


Rudolf the red nose reindeer.
Had a very--


"Fucking...alarm...disturbing my beautiful dream..." I cried out, throwing the alarm clock at the wall, breaking it into pieces.

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