22nd Period - Search??

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The music blared from inside, the music could was within earshot for the incoming student stampede.

Korosensei had already flew ahead, hoping to coax te young female locked inside – of course, judging by his still state in front of the doorway. It was obvious. Akari had refused him.

"Korosensei!" The bluenette halted in front of the yellow being, causing a domino effect of each one bumping into the others back. His face was a dark shade of blue, beads of sweat rolling down his round head.

"Korosensei...?" Kayano chirped, calling out worriedly. "He seems shocked. Did he see something he shouldn't have?" She assumed. Karma shoves the tall creature out of the doors way. Three knocks.

"Leave already, you damned octopus!" The voice from inside growled. Karma hesitates but knocked once again. The ground shook for a moment, Karma glanced down, then back. They didn't feel it – it must've been just his imagination. Suddenly, the angry stomps inside increased in volume. The door was swung open, inadvertently hitting the un expecting redhead. The door kissed his nose, blood oozing down, profusely.

She looks at what stopped the door, her face paled at the sight. The boy took a few steps back before tumbling back, swirls appearing in place of his eyes.



She sighed. Never in her life had she thought the day her place would be cramped to the point it was hard to breathe. She stood up from her kneeled position at the side of her bed, glancing at the resting boy. A damp cloth over his eyes, tissues stuffed up his nose which had ceased to bleed.

"Ugh," he stirred, "Man, you really did a number on me. Just by opening a door." He said amusement traced in his voice. The girl scoffed. He peeled the cloth off his face, sitting himself up and looking at the raven-haired girl.

Her brows furrowed.

"What?" He questioned. She clapped a hand on his shoulder, leaning down towards his face. A tiny of pink appearing on his pale complexion. "Wh- What are –"

"You've got a concussion." She interrupted, her heterochromatic eyes staring into mine. Her gaze notices the hue on his face, an mischievous smirk played on her complexion. She leaned in closer.

"What did you think I was going to do?" Her amused voice whispered in his ear. She blew lightly on his ear, causing him to flinch. A laugh escaped her lips as the boy backed away, a hand covering his ear.

She spun around, heading to the door.
"Hurry up, and get outta the room." She clasped the knob in her hands, opening the door into the hallway. "I don't got all day, I'll listen to what you guys have to say and then y'all need to skidaddle." She said, loud enough for the students outside to hear. A few glances were thrown our way. He notice the familiar blue that lit up at the sight of him.

"Karma!" He called, "You alright?" Karma nods, and was immediately lead out the door by none other than Nagisa. Akari glances back to the table on her bedside, a framed picture of her and Shiro as kids. It was the few pictures that Shiro allowed to be taken – she wasn't exactly photogenic – she had a lopsided grin which complimented Akari's toothy one. The girl sighed and walked out the room, staring at the audience in her living room.

"Okay, now. State your business." She spoke.

"Were you the one who bought the mountain?" Akari arched a brow, and thought.

"Which one?"

"The one where our classroom is at." Akari shook her head, her hair flopping about at the action.

"I haven't bought a mountain since like 2 years ago." She added.

Karma's eye twitched at the statement. Apparently, she had bought not one but a few mountains before – much to everyone's not-so surprised reactions.

"Then, who bought it?" Yuuma voiced out everyone's thought.

"Who, indeed." Rio leaned back, a sigh escaping her glossed lips. She turned her gaze to their classmate. "Any ideas, who else can afford a mountain?"

"Gender?" Akari asked.

"Female. That's all we know." Maehara answered.

"Isn't it just Kiku, then?" She stated. They shook their heads. "Jelavic?" Karma snorted.

"If it was her, she'd boast about it." He added. The students nodded in agreement – even Akari agreed.

"So, the last option was you, but..." Nagisa trailed off.

"Well, it wasn't you but who else could it be?" The students went into their thoughts, trying to recollect any memories of a rich female, who could've bought Kunigaoka in one swift night – and without it's actual owner knowing about it!

"It couldn't be... could it?" Nagisa muttered.

A few minutes of silence was disturbed by another knock on the door. All heads turned, looking through the doorway where a perfect view of the entrance was noticed. Akari spared a few glances at her classmates as she walked towards the door. Another series of knocks echoed throughout the silent complex.

"Who is it?" She asked.

"Pizza Delivery!" The voice from the other side chirped loudly. Akari took a peek through the peep-hole, in the view was a young male, wearing a red uniform, a black bag in his hands. Akari glances back at the bunched up students in the entryway.

"Who had the time to order pizza?" She asked. They all shook their heads, indicating none of them ordered any of the sort.

"I think you have the wrong house." Akari stated, glancing back at the door.

"No ma'am. It clearly states here that the pizza be specifically delivered to this room." He chimed, "You are Hikari Akari-san right?"

Akari's eye twitched. "How do you know my name?"

"There's also a note attached her for you."

A note?

The door slowly opened, revealing the delivery man. He takes out the package, 6 boxes of pizza, and hands it to her. A note was stuck to the very first one.

"Thanks..." Akari muttered.

"Just doing my job ma'am!" And the male took off without another word.

"Wait, the money...!" Akari shouted but the man was already gone.

"Free pizza?" Sugino swooned from behind her, his mouth watering.

"I guess so?" Akari mumbled, she peeled the attached note and read it.

"What does the note – he mentioned – say?" Karma asked, glancing over her shoulder.

Find me and I'll give you money.

Karma bursts out laughing, holding his sides as he fell to the ground in exuberant laughter. Akari clenched the paper in hand, her entire body shaking as she held her urge to laugh loudly.

"Wh-What the hell is th-that?!" Karma utters out in between his laughter. Akari shook her head. Nagisa raised a brow as Akari handed him the slip. He took one long look at its contents before he, himself covered his mouth to hold his laughter.

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