14th Period - Past?

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I'm just gonna say this, but they never really dug deep about Itona's past. Other than the fact that his dad ran away, so half of the stuff is practically made up! :D


Horibe (Dad) POV

The woman groaned loudly as the doctors continuously told her to either push or breathe. I watched my wife give birth to our baby twins. I held her hand as she gasped for air.

"Hang in there...!" I muttered under my breathe as she grasped my hand tighter. A small cry came out making it known that the first child had came, his eyes were closed as he cried loudly.

The few nurses gathered hushing the small child as the others still helped to get the second child. The nurse comes closer to my wife and I, giving us a chance to see our newborn son. His eyes opened as he cooed lightly. Golden eyes, just like my wife. I reached out my hand, gently caressing his small head that had my silver hair.

My wife's hand loosened as she passed out. I turn my head to the doctors who held our second child, who had not cried as she left her mother's womb. They all ushered to clean the baby girl.

A few moments later, my wife awoken and the two babies were in my care. I gently pass on our son to her, chatting and deciding what to name him.

"Itona." My wife said quietly, her pinky was held in the baby's small hands that barely wrapped around it. A small smile coming to the baby's face which made her laugh in glee.

My daughter eyes slowly flattered open revealing a pair of blood red eyes. I stood up in surprise, my chair clattering to the floor, my hands beginning to trembled. Her eyes closed once again, I hand her over to my wife, who looked at me with widened eyes. I walk out the room, looking for a doctor.

"Doc!" I called. A doctor turned my way and greeted me.

"Is there a problem, Horibe-san?" He questions, looking at the clipboard in his hands.

"My daughter. Her eyes, they were blood red." I said. The doctor turned and made his way to the my wife's room.

"Are you positive, Horibe-san?" I nod.

The two of us walked in to see my wife holding the two babies.

"Honey, I've decided on what her name-" The doctor took the baby girl out of my wife's hands. "D-Doctor?"

"I'm sorry for startling you, Horibe-san but we would like to perform a few tests on your child." He said firmly, walking away with our child in his hands. A hand grabs my arm and I turn to my wife.

"What's the problem?" She asks.

"Oh, she, our child, her eyes were red." I said.

"Is that so?" She smiles. "I decided on her name!" I tilt my head in question.

"Iris." She smiles. Iris, that's her favourite flower. I smiled back at her.

"Yea, that's a great name for her."

It's been a week since their daughter had been taken away. The doctors have yet to give them any news or they would avoid the subject entirely.

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