3rd Period

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Gakushū's POV

I became somewhat uncomfortable from the menacing glare from Shiro's mother. Her glare is much scarier than my fathers. I shiver from the thought. Never knew I'd be afraid of someone...


"Tell me, what in the world are you doing coming to my home, Gakushū!?!" I hear Shiro shout as he entered his home.

I turn around to see him but instead he grabs me by my arm and drags me up the stairs to another living room.

"Alright, what do you need?" He asks me.

"What do I need?" I smirk, "I need you, Shiro." I try to close the distance between us but he just backed away until he reached the window.

"So, are you admitting the fact that you're gay?" He says, arms crossed in front of his chest.

"Only for you." Shiro pretends to gag.

"Disgusting. No one would want you." I smirk.

"Every girl in our school wants me."

"Ya, GIRL. Not guy but GIRL! I'm a guy, you shit. Oh and by the way, no one in E-Class wants you." He continued to glare at me. I once again trap him in between my arms, leaning in closer to his face.

He turns his face away but I force him to face me and lifted his chin up. Our lips were only a centimetre away. Then, I was kissing him, Shiro was resisting but he was weak against me.


Yuuma's POV

As soon as I read the message from Karma, I had sprinted towards Shiro's house.


I look up to the second floor window, where I saw silhouettes. Ah, that's Shiro's hair! I was about to call out when I notice an orange-hair mixed with his. Is that...Gakushū?

Shiro turns toward me, he looks shocked...? Why..?

He avoided eye contact, his hands covering his lips as he pushed away Gakushū and ran out the room.

I dash straight into her house, not even bothering to say anything as I ran past Shiro.

"Gakushū! What the hell are you doing here?" I hissed.

"I could ask the same to you." He smirked. "Trying to be a hero? Not like your any stronger than me." I snapped.

"You think so?" A threatening aura surrounds me as I ran straight towards him.

"Yuuma! No!" I hear Shiro call out, making me freeze midway. Suddenly, Karma and Nagisa came barging in.

The two grab Gakushū and lifted him off by his shoulders and kicked him out of Shiro's home. Me and Shiro stood there dumbfounded.

"Well....That was easy..." Nagisa said as he came back in the room.

"You two are sweating a lot. Was Gakushū that heavy?" He joked.

"Oh yea, he weighed like 10,000 pounds!" Karma said with a sarcastic tone. I laugh.

"No wonder! His brain is probably what's making him weigh so much, having a big brain can be such a bitch ya know!" Nagisa was laughing hard now. Tears were forming in the corner of his eyes as he held his stomach tightly.

"It wasn't even THAT funny..." Shiro pointed out.

"Party pooper!"

"Some people just can't hold in their poop, that's why they poop in parties. Hence, the name 'PARTY POOPER!'" He says.

"You guys are weird..." I say. The three look at each other and shrug. I laugh.

Shiro's POV

"Anyway! You guys need to go!" I shooed them away as I watched them exit through the door. I look out the window, watching as their figures disappear into the night. I sigh.

I ripped off the wig from my hair and threw it at the wall.

"DAMN IT ALL!" I scream out.

Knock knock

"Shiro?" Kiku-san calls as she walked in. "Are you okay?"

"He kissed me.... That damned Gakushū kissed me!" I say angrily, while tears welled up in my eyes.

"Your first..?"

"Yes..." Kiku's eyes widened.

"Does that mean you'll have to...?" I nod silently.

"I have no other choice, Kaa-san. Its what I promised Siryuu. You know more than anyone, I absolutely hate people who don't keep their promises. I can't just ignore my promise to him." I said, looking down at the floor. "Faking to love cross dressing was stupid enough, you know!" I chuckled.

Kiku pats my head. "Your my daughter, you were raised by wolves. Your stronger, faster, and smarter than anyone I've ever met." She kisses my forehead. "Despite that, you'll always be my daughter and I am proud about everything you do! I love you, Shiro." I smile.

"Thanks... Kaa-san..." I get up, "I'm off to sleep now, night!" I run to my room and closed the door silently.

"Why must you be so kind to a stranger like me...?" I cry out. "Akari... Hurry and come back...." I plead to myself as I wrapped myself in a blanket and sat myself in the corner. I fell asleep instantly, feeling somewhat nostalgic.


In the next chapter, is a flashback. Yes, A FLASHBACK! Who doesn't like those? Does are fun rightttt? Lol.

Next Update: August 10? I'm gone first week of August so I can't post that week. Sorry ! >_<""

Thanks for reading. Comments, Votes or something are much appreciated!

By the way, I was thinking of making another Mekaku City Actors fanfic. I still love that anime/manga even if you think it's old. Anyways, which one should I do?

Also, if you haven't read my two MCA fanfics please read it XD advertising.

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