10th Period - Chase~

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I back away from the strawberry-blonde male, my fingers on my lips which was slightly separated in shock. I immediately turn around and ran away.

No way! This can't be true...!

I-It's not him?! I thought to myself, my face pale. Wait... IT'S NOT HIM!? I stop in my tracks too quick and tumble forward.

"O-ow..." I rub my nose in pain as I sat up. I sit there for a minute, my mind processing the previous event. Then, I stood up and rejoiced. It's not him! Oh, thank fudge, its not him.

I walked/skipped down the hall in happiness. Ahhh~ so happy! But, now I feel like I'm forgetting something... something more important... Hmm, it probably wasn't important! That's why I forgot! I thought to myself, making my way down the hall and out the main campus.


"I'm home~~!" I said, taking off my shoes and skipping down the hall to my room. I turn up the volume on my speakers, playing one of my new favourite tunes, Fighter by MONSTA X. (A/N: KPOPPPPPPP!!!)

With all the happiness overflowing, I decided to clean my room. I look around my room and my smile fades. "Ah~ should I really clean my room...? It's clean enough...???"

I sigh and began to pick up the scattered papers on the floor. "Hmm?" I spot the envelope that had the letter from him. I pick it up and took a closer look, "It looks a bit different from before though...?" I tug at the lose paper that was sticking out the envelope and as if it was a machine, a soft whirring sound could be heard from in the envelope.

"The heck did he do to the poor envelope?" I place it down on the floor and stared at it intently, until the sound finally stopped and, the corner a red slip sticks out. "All that work for a tiny little piece of paper?"

I grab it and realize it was no tiny paper. "God, Siryuu, seriously?" I unfolded the red slip, revealing a series of Siryuu's writing. "Great more reading!"

I skim through the note and by the time I finished, I was fuming. "That little--"

Kiku's POV

I hear loud stomps coming down the stairs, I peek through the doorway and see a fuming Shiro.

"Shiro?" I call and she turns to me, her hair swings as she turned her head. I back off slightly but manage to ask her what was wrong. She throws a piece of paper at me and storms out of the house.

I peel the paper off my face and read the contents. "Pfft!" I cover my mouth withholding my laughter. "Maybe I should have told her where to find him... After all, Siryuu is--"


I look towards the sound and see a man wearing a robber's mask. He holds a gun and points it at me.
"Give me all your money!" He says holding out a bag. I stare at him.
"Seriously? That mask? So old school!" I walk towards him and kicked his hand causing him to drop his weapon. The gun slid to the corner and the panicked robber scrambles out.
"You endangered my family's home, you got what you deserved." She says quietly, walking away to grab a broom and dustpan to clean up the robber's mess.

??? POV

The red-haired man feels a chill run down his spine.
"Crap, did she find out my little prank?"


Yes! Yes! I am alive! :)

Sorry about not updating... I wasn't in much of a writing mood...for a long time...

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