8th Period - It can't be... (4th Day)

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The video has nothing to do with the story, I just found it really funny. Watch it, please.... 😂😂😂

Third Person's POV

The blond-haired teacher stood in front of the class, her hands on her hips.

"We have an emergency." She states.

"What is it, Bitch-sensei?" Someone asks. Irina for sure was hiding her irritation. She sighs.

"I'll call the boys one by one to another room. You'll be kissing someone."

"WHAT?!" The boys exclaimed. Shiro, who knew what was going on, rolled her red eyes.

"Who are we kissing?" One of the boys asks, excitedly. Irina does a close-eyed smile and then point at Shiro.

"Him." She said.


"Why Shiro?"

"I thought it would be a girl!"

The boys complained endlessly until Korosensei emerges from the window.

"He is a fellow student. You must help your classmates." He explains.

"Why? Is he in trouble or something?" Nagisa asks. Korosensei raises his tentacles and shrugs. Then, everyone's eyes were on him. He looks at them, showing a poker face. Akari giggles.

"Akari-chan? Do you know?" Kayano asks. Akari smiles but doesn't answer her question.

"Anyway!" Irina slams her hands on the wooden desk. She looks at Shiro, who got up and made his way to another room.

"Wait!" Fuwa interrupted. "Isn't Shiro dating Yuuma-kun?" She asks, looking at Yuuma then at the teacher.

"Yes. That's why..." She points at Yuuma. "You're going first!" She leans forward, her elbows on the desk, her chin resting on her palm. "Settle things then." She glances over at Akari, who stood up, dragged her chair by the door and settled down there.

Yuuma stood up immediately, his chair scrapped the wooden floor. He made his way to the door, where Akari sat with a clipboard in her hands. He glances over at the paper clipped on it and saw a whole list of names. Some had a line going through it while others remained untouched.

Shiro's POV

I touch my lips, tracing it carefully with my fingers. Hnn... Now, that I have a clear mind. I did feel something when I kissed that guy. Like, a tug on my pinky. I thought. I shook my head from the thought. Nah, it can't be. I sigh.

I know for sure, they'll send Yuuma first. I clenched my hands, my nails digging into the skin. My back faced the doorway as it slid open. I closed my eye before I inhaled and exhaled to calm my nerves down.

I turn to face the first guy to enter. To only come face-to-face to the not-so-surprising appearance of the male I identified as my lover, Yuuma.

"Isogai Yuuma." I gulp. He stares at me.

"Shiro-kun. Why are you doing this?" He asks in his most serious tone.

"That...is confidential..." I say coldly. I walk towards him, stopping as I stood just a few centimeters away from him. "If...you don't pass the test... Yuuma, we'll break up, okay?" He shook his head.

"Why?!" He asks, practically shouting.

"Sorry, but you'll just have to deal with it, Yuuma." It was then, that I grabbed him by the collar of his shirt and pulled him down, forcing his lips to meet mine. Please be him...

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