20th Period - Fall

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This wasn't an ideal situation, for both parties. On hand, holding the silver gun which was still pointed at the collapsed figure, a finger lingering on the trigger. The gun then points to the big group, tension increasing.

I sighed, relief overcoming my exhausted body. I collapsed to the ground, staring out the permanent hole they had created. I wasn't exactly happy about the results either but with this, its mission accomplished, right?

Although, a death would be a trouble to cover. They were frozen in place like something had pinned them down to their spots. Gazes of horror were staring down the unmoving figure.

I laughed and laughed, mocking and taunting them. Anger saturated the yellow creature, his face contorting and turning into a bottomless pit of darkness. I snorted.

"What? Are you going to kill me? Even though it wasn't even my fault, she's dead?" I seethed with anger. "Kill me for something that wasn't my fault? Face it. I only caused her minimal damage. You guys dealt the final blow!" I cackled.

Even the yellow creature couldn't move at that statement, his original colour returning to his face. My gaze lands on the redhaired couple.

"And you two." I called out, "Siryuu and Kiku wasn't it?" I said in pure curiosity. "Do you really think your daughter can survive that much tranquilizers or did you forget to mention to them that being shot by too many doses could kill, especially if it's meant to tame a wild animal?"

No one could retaliate. No one could say anything. I clicked my tongue, sitting up straight, cloak and hood still covering my entire figure. The hood shadowing my eyes, I looked at them, head down but eyes facing them in an intense stare.

"I didn't think it would end like this." I muttered. "Didn't think that her own teammates would turn against her! I wonder what she thought, when she felt the prickling pain of needles intruding into her skin. The pain of realizing she was betrayed and killed by people she knew?"

I smiled from ear to ear. "You saw it, didn't you? Her dazed gaze when she looked at you as she began to fall forward into a pathetic death caused by people she called friends. Family even." A low and much amused chuckle escaped my dry lips. "How tragic!" I shouted, laughing loudly, enjoying the pained expression they were making. Their eyes turning away from reality, turning away from the truth and denying their irrational actions.

"Kiku, it's your fault." I said, finally standing up, my gun pointing at her. "You're the one that ordered it, you deserve to receive the punishment but I won't be the one giving you the punishment." My gaze turns to the man standing protectively beside her.

"It'll be you." I tilt my head up. A crazed smile on my features. "Kill her." I ordered. "Kill the woman who caused your beloved daughter's death."

My gaze wanders away from them as the male refused, biting his lip, head turned away in refusal.

"What about you, Isogai Yuuma? You loved her didn't you? So sad, she had to die so young." The male refused, shaking his head.

"Akabane Karma? Shiota Nagisa? Hikari Akari?" I looked at them, my gaze lingering at their tightly clenched fists. Even I could see their knuckles turning white despite being quite far away. Their jaws were tightened, lips were sealed shut, an answer refusing to exit from their throats.

"I see. Then, Horibe Itona?" My smile still plastered on my face. "Don't you want to kill that woman?" I point at Kiku. "The woman who took your only sibling away? The sister you never knew you had or were your feelings just as shallow as theirs?" He refused to answer, he was trembling so much.

"The only one dying here is you!" He growled, launching towards me. I swatted him away in one swift motion, the back of my hand hitting his cheek as his back smashed into an unbroken concrete of wall. The impact kicking the air out of his lungs, body falling to the floor with a loud thud as he crumpled onto the floor, paralyzed.

"So weak. Utterly useless." I mumbled. I turned to my heel, walking towards the door.

"Wait!" A shout called me back. I turn my gaze towards the voice. Akari.

"What do you want?"

"Are you letting us go scathe-free?" She asked. I smirked.

"Live. Live in regret. Let the thoughts of her haunt you forever and ever. What you've done will never leave your now bloodstained hands." I cackled. "Try and live a happy life, little assassins."

Let's see who'll win this game, you bastards.


Shiro's funeral had just ended, the figure in white cloak was there, except he wore a black coat out of pure respect and disappeared soon after the funeral ended.

Akari ran down the halls, searching for the cloaked figure. She spots him outside, standing in front of an opened car door.

"You!" She shouts. The figure turns.

"Ah, Hikari Akari." His head tilts to the side. "What do you need from me?"

"We didn't invite you." The girl said. "How did you know?" A chuckle escaped his throat.

"I know things, that even you wouldn't know, Hikari Akari." He bowed and entered the opened car door, a black figure hidden inside. "Have a good day, Hikari Akari. You'll be needing it, just for today though." The door slammed shut, leaving the girl in awe as the car drove away. A loud laugh emitting from inside and slowly the sound was no longer audible.

She fell to her knees, tears in her eyes. She should've never shot that gun. Should've never suggested giving guns to the students. Now, they had made a mistake. A mistake that they couldn't take back anymore.


I slumped back to my seat, breathing out a heavy sigh. I turn my head side to side, hearing a small cracking noise as I did.

"Tired?" The female beside me spoke.

"Yea, it's exhausting and it's hella sunny out and I'm wearing black. My entire body is being grilled to the bone." I muttered in annoyance, sliding off my hood. She giggled, staring at me with her hazel hues.

"Are you fine with this?" She asked.

"With what?"

"All of this, silly!" I smiled.

"What they don't know won't kill them." I simply replied, the smile disappearing.

"They couldn't even tell the difference."

"I'm pretty sure those two noticed."

"Which two?" She asked, amused. I rolled my eyes.

"You know them better than anyone, Emi-san." A lighthearted laugh exiting from her lips.

"I suppose. I mean, they were my colleagues after all." I nodded. She stroked my now shortened white locks. "The bet. Do you think you'll win?"

"Who do you think I am? Of course I will." My determined ruby eyes shone as we entered a dark tunnel. "It'll be his loss, this time around."


Finally finished it guys, woot! :)) so happy~!

Thank you guys so much for reading this story! I really appreciated all the votes and comments! ♪(๑ᴖ◡ᴖ๑)♪


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