19th Period - Who's who?!

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Shiro's POV

I stalked down the halls, my arm forming a ninety degree, the gun up holding it close to my ear. I leaned on the wall as I came close to an open doorway, inching closer as I listened for noise. None. I turn around, arms straight and pointing the gun out. I scanned the room, pointing my gun as I looked.

The room was void of living things but it was filled with items. Drawers, white curtain, desk, even a bed was in there! This was truly an interesting discovery. The curtain were white, newly washed. The smell of fabric softener in the air as the wind gushed through the open frames. In the corner of my eye, I spotted insoles?! I stifled a laugh, then, an idea hit. I smiled.

I must be a genius.


Itona's POV

"Yuuma!" I shouted as I shot the (paint) bullet at one of the enemies.

"What?" He shouted back as he slammed a chop on the neck of the one he was fighting.

A man came charging at me but was shot down by an incoming baseball. "Nice pitching!" Rio cheered.

"Okay, guys. Let's move on!" I instructed, motioning to move forward. A hand grabs my shoulder.

"Why'd you call out to me earlier?"

"Oh, just wanted to say not to hurt Shiro."


"You like her, right?"

"Wh-What?" His face brightened to a deep scarlet.

"If not then, never mind." I shrugged him off, walking to our next destination.


Nagisa's POV

I watched as our teachers fought against the enemy, knocking them all out one by one. Korosensei had yet to even join in. They were being taken care of quickly but surely. Karasuma, Bitch-sensei, Siryuu-san and Kiku-san.

The four were barely breaking a sweat as they fought. I merely stood in the side with the other students watching in admiration.

"ORAAAA!" A battle cry from behind me rang in my ears, I dodged the incoming attack by stepping to the side. I turned, my eyes glaring at the offender, slamming the back of the gun right in his solar plexus. He didn't go down. I brought the hilt of the gun up, hitting him square in the jaw. He stumbled down, his eyes rolling back.

"Nice, Nagisa!" Kayano cheered giving the bluenette a high five.

"Good job." Said the smiling sensei as he patted me on the head with his tentacle. I nod. The fighting ended soon after, exhausted but determined.

"Let's keep going!" The young mom cheered as she skipped towards the door, her lover chasing after.

I smiled. Shiro's parents were an interesting pair.


Karma's POV

I clicked my tongue in annoyance. That stupid, idiot, how'd she know? I sighed, irritated. A hand patted my shoulder as a face intruded my line of sight.

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