7th Period - Manhunt (1st/2nd Day)

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Third Person POV

Lunch had just begun and Korosensei was already out the window, speeding away with his Mach 20.

Akari grabs Shiro's arm.

"Nagisa-kun! Let's eat lunch together!" She drags Shiro and forces her to sit down. The four had their desks together. Karma beside Nagisa and across from him was Akari, and Shiro sat beside her.

Nagisa and Akari were discussing Korosensei. The two were talking away while Karma and Shiro were eating in silence.

"Ah, remember when we went to that amusement park? The ice cream was delicious wasn't it?!" Akari mentions. Shiro turns to her best friend.

"Since when did you go on a date with Nagisa?" She asked.

"Like a year or two ago. Oh and Karma was there too." Akari says. "Your sister came along, didn't she tell you?"

"She didn't mention anything about a double date with anyone..." Shiro looks at Akari, confused.

Shiro's POV

A date? With Karma? Since when did that happen...? I silently thought to myself, munching on my tamago and rice.

Well, it's not the time to think about that. I sigh, I hope Irina will do as I requested. Deep in thought, I didn't notice Akari calling my name.



"SHIRO!" My head snaps towards the voice that was calling for me.

"Gomen, what is it?" I laugh, nervously. Akari had her pouty face on, although she was angry.

"We called you a whole bunch of times and you didn't answer." Nagisa explained.

"I see..." I look at her and pat her head. Suddenly, the doors slams open causing all the students to turn their heads including me.

"Shiro, Akari. Come with me." Irina-sensei called for the two, motioning the two to follow. Me and Akari apologize and left with Irina.

"What do you need, Irina?" Akari says casually, her hands behind her head.


The following day was not a school day, it was Saturday and here I am sitting at a café with Irina-sensei and Akari in my female self.

Great, just great. I can't believe Irina-sensei rounded up so many guys so fast! I only told her about it two days ago!

The café was bustling with men. I couldn't believe my eyes, the place was packed full with boys from all over the world.

I hit my head on the table. "I regret asking you this stupid favour...." I mutter. Akari giggles.

"Ain't it your fault for not protecting your chastity~!" She smirks. An irk mark appearing on my forehead.

"I didn't lose my virginity, you dunce. I lost my first kiss!" I sit up and scan the place again. Boys were lined up in front of us. My face pales as I go back to sulking. "Ahhh, this sucks...!" I cry out. Akari, who barely cares bursts out laughing.

"Well, I guess you'll be losing a ton more kisses starting today~!" She looks over at Irina. "Let's start, Irina!" Irina stands up and calls out for the first person.

"And the torture begins..."

Third Person POV

The white-haired girl stood up from her seat and sat down on the table, where a boy stood in front of her.

"Hurry up! I want to get this over with." The female says as she wraps her arms around the male's neck. The two share a brief kiss and as soon as they separated. The female clicks her tongue and pushes the male aside.

"You fail. Leave." She said, her voice menacing. The male runs out in fear. A raven-haired girl pats the white-haired girl's shoulder.

"Go easy on them, Shiro." Shiro glares at the female.

"This is all Gakushū's fault." Shiro says, bitterly. Akari smirks.

"Let's get revenge later, shall we?" The girl smiles evilly.

"We will, Akari. That family has ruin my and your life."

Irina calls for the next person and Shiro merely pecks the male's lips, not bothering to do anything more than that.


Shiro collapses onto the table as soon as the last male left.

"It wasn't any of them!" She says as she wipes her mouth endlessly with her sleeve.

"This is going to be harder than I thought." Irina comments, placing down her clipboard. Akari sat criss-cross and leaned forward.

"You should break up with Yuuma, first." Akari bluntly said. Shiro looks up at Akari and sat up.

"Your right..." She sighs and hops off the table. "I'll do it on Monday. I'll also take that opportunity to kiss him before we break. Unless he's the one, then that's an entirely different story." She grabs her purse and turns to Akari and Irina.

"You two, should act more like actual siblings." Shiro mentions. The two's eyes widen.

"How did y-" Irina starts.

"I, at least know that much about my best friend." Shiro cuts in. She turns to Akari and slams down some bills on the table. "Take this time to actually bond and stop acting like strangers. Forget about your jobs as a teacher, a students and an assassin. Your family, treasure your time together." She turns to her heels and walks away.

"Shiro!" Akari calls before Shiro exited. "Thank you..." Her face turning pink in embarrassment. Shiro smiles and waves a hand without turning around, leaving the two behind.

Akari turns to Irina. "Where do you want to go, Onee-chan?" Irina's cheeks turns light pink.

"T-The Aquarium... I guess.." She says, lightly scratching her cheek. Akari smiles brightly, grabbing the money as she got up from her seat.

"Let's go, Onee-chan!" She holds or a hand to her. Irina smiles and took her hand, pulling Akari into a tight embrace.

"Gomen ne, Akari. I'm not a very reliable sister..." Irina says as she hugged her little sister tightly.

"Jeez, Onee-chan is so weird!" Akari says, tears forming in her eyes. "You might be unreliable and all but your still my sister! So, stop being all mushyyy!" She hugs her sister back.

Irina laughs and let's go of Akari. "Let's go to the Aquarium then!" She smiles and Akari smiles back. The two walk out the café and headed towards the Aquarium.


Err... That sort of just happened out of nowhere~! O3O

Anyways, I kind of cut it off short. I still don't know who'll the destined one will be... Maybe I should make it Nagisa, then Akari and Shiro will have a fight and end up kil--- whoa wait what. My imagination is running wild! Make it stopppp!

Err, anyways *^* back to what I was talking about. I am getting anxiety because school is literally right around the corner. Is Grade 10 hard?! Please tell meee ;-;

-ReverseP 👑

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