15th Period - Hanging out with teachers

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Shiro's POV

Hanging out with teachers could never go wrong. I mean, that is if the teacher was 2 feet tall, yellow, and looks like an octopus, then it most certainly will go wrong.

4 hours ago

I had woken up early on a Saturday and couldn't fall back asleep. I grabbed my phone and stared at it.

12:47 pm

Yes, definitely early. I grumbled, ruffling my own, already messy hair. For fuck's sake. I headed straight to the bathroom, dialling on my phone.

Three rings.

"Hello~!" A woman's voice spoke in English.

"Yo." I put the phone in speaker, placing the device by the sink. A moment of silence.

"Why are you awake? It's only 10 minutes before 1, you're never awake this early!" She voiced, worried about my well-being. "Are you sick? Is the world ending? WHAT HAPPENED?!"

I feel loved but I feel like I'm being insulted. I stripped myself of the oversized shirt, throwing it in the laundry basket.

"Calm down, I'm fine." I said with a sigh. "Hang out with me today though, I know you have the day off." I get the water running as I slipped off the last piece of clothing on me.

"No secrets between you and Akari as always." She sighed. "Wait, are you in the shower?"

"Yes?" I hopped in the shower, the cold water hitting my skin. I soaked myself under the cold water, running my hands through my hair.

"The heck are you doing talking with me while taking a shower?" Bitch-sensei questioned.

"It's 1 pm, you expect me to think straight?" I countered, squeezing the contents of the bottled shampoo in my palm. I rubbed the formula into my hair, massaging it into my roots.

"Well no?"

"Anyways, meet me at Mermaids Café in like an hour or so. Oh, and invite Karasuma if you want, he has a day off today too!" I could practically hear a squeal of delight over the rushing water.

"Seriously? Great! I'll see you then!" I hummed in response, in which she had hung up on, the dial tone echoing in the bathroom.

I wiped my hands on the towel and clicked the home button. Finishing up my shower a few minutes laters.

I wiped my body with a white floral towel, my white hair sticking to my wet skin. I looked at myself on the full body mirror, turning around to see my hair just resting on top of my behind.

Should go get a haircut soon. I thought, slipping on a fresh pair of under garments, grabbing my phone once I finished. I wrapped the towel around my frame and headed out the bathroom.

I walked across the room, greeting my adoptive mother a good morning before disappearing into my room. I clicked my phone, the light shone showing me the time.

1:10 pm

"Now, to pick an outfit. Comfy or casual?" I contemplated, hearing a rustle in the trees. I glanced at my window, nothing was there. Squirrels, maybe? I thought for a moment.

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