17th Period - Action!

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Third Person POV

The students of Class E made their way back to the school, where their new gym clothes - a present from Karasuma - had been received and hidden.

The wooden building was now quiet. Shiro daring to check out what had transpired, and peeked through the classroom window. The three intruders were on their knees, beaten and dejected. Korosensei had a book on his hand and looked as if he was teaching them a lesson about teamwork.

"Pfft." Shiro smacked a hand down on her best friends mouth, glaring and holding a finger to her mouth, shushing her.

Let's go. Shiro mouthed to the rest of the students, who turned and made a run for the shed where their gray outfits laid.

The male's were kicked out of the shed, where the girl's changed their clothes with Shiro standing by the doorway as a watcher for any male offenders.

"Hurry up!" Shiro urged, waiting impatiently, hand on the doorknob. The girl's quickly finished, no one complained. Quickly, the girl's filed out, the boy's huddled together, still planning their movements with Karma, Nagisa and Itona at the center.

Shiro's POV

"You guys done?" Akari asked, her eyebrow raised. The male's explained their plan making me furrow my eyebrows.

"I'll be the bait. They're after me anyways." I said.

"Isn't that risky?" Karma comments. "Let's get someone that looks similar to you." Karma glanced at Nagisa. As if knowing his plan, Nagisa merely nodded. I shook my head.

"No. Nagisa can't go against her. It's better if I go." I smirked. "She was weaker than me, the last time I saw her right, Akari?" She nods.

"There's no way that bitch can win against you." She comments. I sighed and turned to the others.

"We'd better get going soon. We don't wanna be too late, if you know what I mean." They nodded, the first team running on ahead.

"Don't forget to turn on your ear pieces." I shouted after them, turning mine on.

"Roger, Captain." One of the voices mocked over the ear piece. An irk mark appearing on my head. I sighed.

"Assholes." I muttered.

"We can hear you!" They simultaneously answered. I grunted.


"We're all in position." Karma said. I smiled.

"Let's get this party started, shall we?" I pointed the BB gun at the entrance and shot it inside. "Come out. We've got your little play toys, Rui."

"Awww, Sacchan, Takkun, and Makkun got caught? How boring!" A shrill and squeaky voice came from inside. The sound of heels hitting solid rock resounded as a silhouette was spotted from outside.

Peach hair brought up into pig tails, she sported a black dress that ended above her knees and black knee high boots with heels.

A sly smile was on the girl's face. "It's been quite a long time, little white." She sneered. I rolled my eyes. Annoying.

"Where are my friends?" I glared at her. She motions me to follow her. I nod placing two fingers in my mouth and blowing. A dog whistle. Akari appeared beside me, landing swiftly, smirking.

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