12th Period - Sup' bro!

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Shiro's POV

I sweatdrop at my classmates poor attempt of staying hidden.

"I swear Nagisa, your hair stands out way too much." I spoke, arms crossing at my chest. I eagerly watch any signs of movements before hearing multiple rustling. One by one the students popped out the shrubbery, leaves sticking out of their hair in every which way. I stifle a laugh.

"But, really guys? I was having a daddy-daughter bonding here?"

"With all that bloodlust, I don't think it was going fairly well." Akari counters. I shot her a glare, and being her childish self, she sticks her tongue out. I roll my eyes in annoyance. I swear if she weren't my best friend, she'd be dead by now.

Itona comes into view causing me to stiffen. He looks at me before turning his head to the red headed male who has stood silent. "Care to explain that proclamation, Mr. Ketsueki?"

"Err, just calling me Siryuu is fine." He says, scratching his cheek. He clears his throat.

"Well, long story short, you're related." Siryuu says, pointing between me and Itona.

"And your proof is...." I ask, trailing off.

"This!" Siryuu whips out a folded piece of paper from the inside of his jacket. A questioning look appears on mine and Itona as we glanced at each other. He hands the sheet to Itona, who immediately opens it.

"!!" Itona's eyes widen.

"What? What? Don't leave me out!" I complain, pouting. Itona stood, completely frozen. I notice Karma sneaking a peek over his shoulder and then looks at me. I sent him a questioning look.

"Horibe's Dad. Letter. Siblings." I face palm. Well, at least I got the gist of it, probably.

"Wait, but our eyes are- gah!" I shouted as a body had thrown itself at me. "???? Itona, what the fuck?"

"I still have family..." He mumbles, his hold tight around me.

"Oof!" I attempt to pry his arms around. "Okay, okay. I get it, get off! You're killing me, bro!" He looks up at me, tears forming in the corners of his eyes.

"NO! Nonononono, don't you dare cry! It's scary! Considering its you!" I say, finally getting him off of me. "Plus, your dad's still alive ain't he? He just ran off." I point out. He stares at the ground blankly.

"True..." He mutters.

"It's even more suspicious on how you got that" I point at Siryuu. "Our eye colours are even different! Explain that."

"I kinda met Mr. Horibe while I was travelling?" He says, casually rubbing the back of his neck.

"Please don't tell me, you went up and asked without prior introduction." He smiles making me shake my head.

"And then?" I urged him to continue as I warily watch a tree not to far off in front of me.

"Why don't you ask him yourself?" He says. "I do know where he lives after all." I could feel my eye twitch as I see a slithering tentacle on the tree I was watching.

"Yea, we'll do that right, Itona?" He nods, now on his feet. "But before that..." I throw the green knife at the yellow glob, missing as it bent down. I click my tongue in annoyance. Everyone turns their eyes on where the knife was thrown, seeing the yellow creature disappear and reappear in front of them in s blink of an eye. A big smile on his face, a notebook and a pen held in his tentacles.

"Korosensei, you like gossip too much." Hinano sweat drops.

"Moreover, is it okay for that guy to see you?" Terasaka points at Siryuu, who in turn, looked surprised. Korosensei's smile grew wider, though I can't really tell, I feel like it did.

"It's fine, it's fine." Korosensei giggles. "After all, he is-"

I clap my hands, interrupting him. "Alright, we got it." I turn to my heels. "I want to get this sibling thing get resolved, so let's get moving, kay?" I say as I walk off, Siryuu and Itona following behind. "Oh and my dear classmates." I turn my head to them, a sweet smile on my face. "Kindly go home for today?" I tilt my head back, leaking out just a bit of bloodlust. Most of them nodded but a small few refused. It was, of course, Karma, Nagisa, Akari and Yuuma.

I merely sigh, turning back around and walking. "Do whatever you want, you four." They high-five each other and followed behind us. Korosensei ran off, probably went to hide to stalk us...again. I roll my eyes.

Time Skip - 3h later

I gulped down of what was left of my water, wiping off the water that dripped off the side of my lips. I turn to the four that tagged along, the looks of regret was obvious in their faces as they panted heavily. Itona was quiet the entire trip, occasionally Karma would try to strike up a conversation with him but of course, he got ignored.

"Oi." I called to Siryuu angrily. He turns, a questioning look on his face. "We've been at this for 3 goddamn hours, where in the hell does he live?"

"Eh? We're here though?" He says, pointing at a small blue house. Everyone's eyes began to shine and we all sprint towards the house, a figure of a muscular man coming into view.

"Mr. Horibe!" Siryuu shouts from behind me. This catches the attention of the muscular male, who had just noticed a herd of students stampeding towards him.

"What in the-" He raises the machete in his hands as if ready to strike.

"Hold up!" I shout at him. "Don't strike, we come in peace." I show off a peace sign, smiling as friendly as I could manage. He looks at me, confused.

"Dad..." Itona mumbles from beside me.

"Itona?" Mr. Horibe calls, recognizing his son. Itona strikes the man right in the gut, shocking his father. Mr. Horibe coughs, holding his stomach as he collapsed on the floor.

"That's for ditching me, a few years ago." Itona says, staring down at his fallen father. I laugh, nervously, crouching down beside the male.

"You okay?" I say, smiling. He gives me a reassuring smile and muttering a silent yea. "Aight, since you're fine," I get up, patting off the dust off my pants. "Get up and feed us!" I clasp my hands together as a few 'yes, feed us'  came from behind me.


And done, I'm kinda in a family gathering, cuz like, it's still Christmas, right? :D

Be prepared, I will try my best to get another chapter done by New Years. Maybe even a New Years Special? We shall see~!!

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