4th Period - Flashback Time

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|Flashback - Forest|

Third Person's POV

The little girl with white hair stood in front of a pack of wolves. A young lady with long red hair stood in front of her. The little girl looked at the red-haired female with a piercing glare.

"W-Who... you?" The small girl spoke, her voice strong and demanding despite being young. The pack of wolves behind her getting ready to attack.

"I'm Chimamire Kiku." The female said as she kneeled down in front of the child. Slowly, she brought her hands to touch the kid only to be stopped by a wolf who bit her hand. "Ow...!" She whimpers as the wolf lets go of her hand. Her hand instantly retreated and she held close her bleeding hand to her chest.

"Okay...?" The girl asks as she ran towards the female, examining her injured hand. The little girl turns to the wolves. "No hurt! Bad!" She spoke loudly. She turns back to the female and licks her wound.

"Ah! Hey..!" The red-head exclaims. "Don't lick it!" She says as pulled her hand away from her.

"Ah...S-Sowwy.." The girl looks at the lady, then looks down.

Kiku smiles. "What's your name?" She asks. The little girl tilts her head. "You don't have one?" The girl shakes her head.

"Then... Do you want me to name you?" She asks her. The girl looks at her.

"Name...?" The girl looked confused. Kiku again reaches her hand out to touch the girl, this time she made contact without being attacked.

"White hair.... Blood coloured eyes..." She says, examining the small child. "Shiro... Chi...? No.. Ketsueki Shiro!" Kiku exclaims. "Ketsueki Shiro will be your name..." The girl looked at the pack, then at Kiku.


"Yup! Shiro!" The little girl smiles.

"I, Shiwo?" The girl looked excited, her eyes were gleaming with happiness.

"Kiku?" A voice calls out from behind the female.

"Siryuu! Over here!" She called. The rustling of bushes came closer as a tall man came. The male had long red-hair, similar to Kiku. It was tied in a low pony tail.

"Shiro, this is my boyfriend, Siryuu." I looked at her with a confused expression.

|Time Skip - 2nd Year of Elementary|

Shiro's POV

I stood in front of a whole bunch of boys in the park as they made fun of me. My eyes were closed as I looked at the ground. A rock hits my head. The boys continuously threw rocks at me. I stood my ground, not moving not making any sounds of complaint, or whimper.

"Old lady!" The boys teased, repeating the same word over and over again. I was teased because of my white hair. They said only old people had it. Hence, the nickname old lady. The boys continued to laugh and throw stones at me.

"HEYYYY!" A black-haired girl came darting towards the boys. She leaps up and kicks one of the boys right on the back. The boy started crying as all of them started to flee.

"Are you okay, Shi-chan?" The girl looked at me who was covered with cuts and bruises. "Ah!! Your head is bleeding!" She grabs my hand as we ran back to my home.

"Kiku-san!" She shouts as she brought me inside my home. "Shi-chan's head is bleeding!" I could hear my mom running around, probably looking for the first aid kit while panicking.

Soon, she came running in to see me covered in dirt and full of injuries.

"Was she teased again by the boys, Akari?" She questioned as she treated my wounds. Akari nods. I bit the bottom of my lip, holding in a sob. As she finishes dressing my injuries, Kiku brought me into a hug.

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