Birthday Special

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Third Person POV

"Otanjoubi Omedetou, Shiro!" They cheered as they came out of their hiding places. Except for Karma, of course.

Shiro looked at them, surprised but it only lasted a few seconds before it reverted back to its usual poker face.

"You didn't bring any presents did you?" She asks them. "Because I'd rather have money than gifts." She looked at them with a strange glint in her eyes.


Shiro's POV

|A few hours before the surprise|

"Shiroooo!" I turn around to see my best friend, Akari running towards me in slow motion. As per usual, I step to my left and she flies by me. She lands face first on the concrete floor.

"Why must you always do that?" I question her. She pops up from the floor and dusted herself off. Her forehead and nose were red from the impact. I shake my head. "Anyways, what did you need?"

She looks up at the sky, her head tilted to side. "What was it...?" She closes her eyes and thinks. "Ah!" She exclaims as slams her fist onto her other hand. "Yuuma told me to tell you to go to the station right now!" She said, turning me to the direction of the station and eagerly pushes me forward.

"Ah, I got it! I got it! So, stop pushing me!" I say. She stops and I start to run towards the station. Luckily, I decided to dress as a guy today! If I hadn't I would've had to go home and change.I arrive at the station, where I saw Yuuma waiting for me. I slow down before I reached him, catching my breath, fixing my messy hair and continued towards him while walking casually.

"What did you need?" I ask sternly. He looks up from his phone. He quickly stuffs his phone into his pocket and grabbed my arm. We run to the train and got on. "What was that for?"

The train suddenly moves causing me to lose balance. My reflex kicks in and I immediately grab onto the side of a seat. Yuuma had already grabbed my other arm, just in case. I look up at him.

"Thanks..." He pulls me to my feet and I straighten myself up. I brush aside some of my white hair that was blocking my sight.

"Your welcome!" He says, smiling. He sits down to one of the nearest open seats. He pats the seat beside him. "Sit for now." He suddenly gets an idea and smirks. "Unless you want to sit on my lap?" He teased. I smack his head and took a sit beside him. "Itai..!" He exclaims, holding his head.

"You deserved it, baka!" I say, crossing my arms.

"It was just a joke." He pouts. I roll my eyes.

"It better have been, Yuuma-san." He scoots a few inches away from me.

"So? Where are you taking me?" I ask, my arms folded.

"I don't know." He answers.

"Huh?!" I look at him in disbelief. He turns and looks me in the eye.

"Where do you want to go?"

"Canada!" I answer sarcastically.

"If you want to go to Canada, ask Korosensei. He might just fly you there." I swear drop.

"Hmm... It's free..." I look up at the trains ceiling. "That might be a good idea..." Yuuma sweat drops.


In the end, the he took me to the planetarium which was really pretty. I mean, other than the fact I nearly fell asleep during the show. After all that prettiness, we went to eat at McDonalds.

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