29th Period - Stalking at its best

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"Shiro'll be back soon." Kiku simply said. Korosensei tilts his round head in confusion. "It means exactly as you hear it. We'll have to leave it to the kids to save her."

"Save her?" Korosensei questions.

"Rather than 'save', it would be 'help' right, Ki?" Siryuu mentions. Kiku simply nodded. She looks out the window with a playful smirk.

"It won't be long now. She's coming back soon." Her eyes trail back to the teacher. "Welcome her when she comes back to school, will you? A party would suffice."

Korosensei nodded.


Their heavy breaths was loud and clear. Sweat spilled out their pores as exhaustion sets in their body. A mocking laughter echoed in their ears.

"Goddammit! Why is she so fast? It's clearly not fair!" Terasaka complained. His body was heavy. His breaths were fast and shallow. He swipes a hand on his forehead, flinging away the gathered perspiration.

"Gross, don't throw your sweat at me, you big oaf!" Akari wiped her face with the sleeve of her shirt. She was soaked, sweat covered her body, her clothes clung to her frame making her feel uncomfortable.

"What the hell did you call me?!" Terasaka raged.

"Shut up!" Karma shouts. "We're all tired here, stop flapping your mouths and move your damn legs faster!"

Akari moved ahead with a 'tsk' escaping her lips.

"Tired? Already?" Kuro chimed just ahead of them, leisurely sitting on a stone. "That was barely a warm up! Are you sure you can keep up?" Akari glared at her. Kuro raised her hands up.

"Well, someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed this morning, did she? Oh wait, we've been at it for almost a day, you kiddies didn't get any sleep. Silly me, making a mistake like that." She laughed. Her eyes watched the students as they all stopped one after another. Their legs shook like newborn fawns. She stood up, dusting herself off. "Shall we continue the chase?" With that she sped up and ran.

"Damn!" Akari was about to run when a hand stops her. "What are you doing? I have to chase her!" She stood face to face against Karma who had grabbed her arm.

"The rest of the class is dead tired. There's no way all of us can keep going." He said. Akari eyes widened and she immediately looked at the ground.

That's right! They're not fully trained assassins, they're still amateurs who've barely covered the basics. The hell am I thinking they could keep up with an elite like that woman?! She raised her thumb to her lips and but down harshly on the flesh. "Sorry, my bad." She said. "Let's split up. Everyone still have their devices?" She gain nods from everyone. Akari puts a hand to her chest and took deep breaths calming her heart down.

"Karma, Nagisa, Itona, Kayano and I, will go after Kuro. Can you do it?" She earns nods. "Everyone else head back home. But, you also have two choices, one is rest as soon as you get home or two, relay messages and tell us any useful information that could help us capture Kuro. Of course, if anyone refuses to go back home and wants to stay and chase, it's fully your choice." She earned more nods from the student body, all of them turning back to their houses.

Akari glances back at the members chosen to stay behind. Her heterochromatic eyes staring at them before glancing back into the the dark void ahead. "Let's go." She dashes, following her inner instincts to find the fleeing foe. And her classmates following closely behind.


"Wow, Akari sure has gotten more persistent than before. Oh! Karma is totally staring at her, omg, lol. I was gone for like a few months and he up an' goes ogling at my best friend, the nerve of that redhead. I'll curse him to death!"

"Itona and Kayano are moving smoothly, as one would expect. They are just a tad bit more advance from the class but they seriously aren't that special. Oh, she's flirting with Nagisa! Why is Akari not doing anything?! She's too focused, that woman, jeez. Andddd Itona looks done. Pfft! Oh shit!" They stop at their tracks and hiding behind a bulky tree, sneaking on inside a small hollow hole. A burning glare was what they could feel firing through the tree.

"I really don't know if Nagisa's sharp or just instinctively clever." They breath a sigh of relieve. They peek through and see the group ran off, they immediately follow. "But damn, his hair is gorgeous. It looks so silky and smooth, I wonder what products he uses. I'm so asking him when we see each other again. I'm talking to myself a lot today, damn, it's got to be a new record. I wonder if they can hear babbling, then again if they did they would've found me already. Jeez I can't believe these guys call themselves assassins, I've been tailing them the entire time and they haven't realized it. God, they are so gonna die one day if they aren't alert. Jeez, idiots."


All five runners, sneeze at the same time. "Someone is obviously talking about us." Kayano comments.

"I know right." Akari says.

"By the way, I've been hearing someone's voice this entire time. It's all whispery and mumbled but like I can hear them, just barely." Nagisa spoke up. A chill runs down Karma's spine.

"Stop talking like that, it's creepy!" Kayano squeaked.

"No, seriously. Listen carefully!" Nagisa says causing the group to stop and listen. Fast, quiet voices hit their ears. It was light and barely audible.

"Let's just keep going. Whatever is whispering, it's getting closer." Akari says, grabbing the scared Kayano and moving on. Akari bit her lip as she moved forward. I can hear you, you damned idiot of a sister! She smiled. Although it was a joyful smile, it held quite the malicious intent.

I will kill you once this mess is over, whitey! Akari scowled in her head.


A month. Oops. Sorry, vacay and stuff :))

I went to an anime convention today and guess what I bought?!

YURI ON ICE!! (Well majority of it anyways)

I got myself a Killing Stalking poster, cuz what the heck! It's a great effin' manhua. Oh, right. It's 18+ content, cuz ya kno, explicit content and yea!

There was a bunch of NSFW posters, and a few artists had to cover it up with post its, it was pretty funny. Any case, it was a good day and it got me off my lazy ass and write this quickly. FYI, it's past 1 am, as I finished writing this. Not even gonna bother editing;; too lazy ffs.


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