2nd Period

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Shiro's POV

"We're leaving now! Thanks for having us over!!" They all said before my classmates left.

"Ah, Yuuma!" I call out as I ran out after him. He turns to me and waves goodbye, I wave back.

"Tch~ I wanted a kiss~" I pout, not noticing Kiku-san.

"Impatient aren't we?" She laughs.

"Isn't what all couples do?" I question.

"Well, yea but you shouldn't move so fast! It's only been what? Two weeks?" I nod. "Don't rush it okay, kiddo?" She says as she kissed my forehead. I was about to go back in the house when Karma called out to me.

"Shiro!" I turn around.

"What?" I reply.

"Can I come again tomorrow?"

"Why?" I ask, curious.

"Just cause I want to." He replied. Then, I got an idea.

"Ah~ you want to see my sis again don't you?" I smirk evilly as I see him blush lightly.

"T-That's not-"

"I get it, I get it! Just come over whenever! She'll be home." I flash a toothy smile at him and walked back inside. I watched from the window as he left.

|Time Skiiip|

"I'm leaving, Kiku-san!" I shout as I exit my home. "Oh great, its raining!"

"Take care, kiddo!" She shouts from behind as she attended one of her daily customers.

"Jeez, she should really locations for her café. I mean, it's like I'm sharing my house to strangers." I sigh. I glance at my pocket watch. This is a first, I've never been to class this late. I thought to myself. I continued to walk, not caring about the fact that I was completely soaked by the rain.

Despite my attitude, I actually (sometimes) listened to school rules. The one thing that I've always followed was not being late for school and I had never been late at least once. I guess that changes today. After a gruelling walk up the mountains, I open the doors to the classroom, water dripping off my hair and my clothes completely see through. Man, was I glad that I was wearing a sweater.

"Sorry I'm late Koro-" I stare at the white-robed man, who immediately stopped talking as soon as I entered.
"Who's the dude? He seems more like a bride than a groom in that white outfit." I say only to earn an ominous aura oozed out on me. "Oooo! So scary!" I mocked.

"Ah, Shiro-kun! Please head to your seat!" Korosensei order and I simply follow his command. The robed man clears his throat.

"As I was saying, that seat over there is fine right?" He asks Korosensei. I look at the seat beside me and shrugged.

"Yes, it's free. But..."

"Then, I shall introduce him." He says, interrupting Korosensei's trail of thought. "Heeeey, Itona!! Come on in!!" He shouts. That was when I sensed someone behind the walls. I turned around and stare at it, wet stains all around me.

Suddenly, the wall beside me bursts into pieces revealing the boy named, "Itona". I sigh an turned to see everyone's jaw dropped and widened eyes. I laughed really loud, their face were obviously screaming the words, "Use the damn door!"

The new kid looks at me for a moment and announces some weird shit about being victorious about beating a damn wall down. Goodness, this fella is weird. I thought.

I stare at him.

"Hey! Why aren't you wet at all!? It's pouring outside and because of it I'm soaked to the bone!" I exclaim. He walks towards me.

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