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Y/ns pov

It had been a couple days since running into tom and starting that new song, i still haven't talked to bill. I just don't know what to say or how to be like, i haven't felt like this about a boy in a while ever since my ex... BUT anyways that's not what's important what is important is this album, my album is set to come out in a month or two. Me and my band decided to be dumb and wait till the last minute so now we're in a bit of a rush, so i can't really even have my mind on bill cause of this album and this stupid song i need to finish.

I was just watching tv when i get a call from chloe. "hey wassup babe ?" i ask her wondering what the random call was for since we seen each other yesterday.

"Well we heard that there's some party that's gonna be thrown for celebrity's soooo your coming with us tomorrow" she tells me not even asking if i wanted to go or not.

"wait wait wait, do i get any say in this ? i don't know chlo i'm just not really feelin a party right now i gotta lot on my plate right now" i say unsure

"oh cmon y/n pleaseeee for me and for the rest of the band you owe it to yourself you need a break, so your coming with us tomorrow, we're gonna drink and have fun and just get our mind off of things, pleaseeeeeee" she begs me, i can hear jordan in the back saying please

'i swear these two'

"okay okay fine i'll go i'll go, what time tomorrow, and also i'm not gonna be driver tomorrow i'm drinking." i tell her agreeing because she's right, i have been workin myself to the bone lately so i do owe it to myself

"YAY! okay so we'll get you at like 7 cuz it's starts at 8, so be ready though by 7 and don't worry izzy is driver tomorrow, he's on some weird shit again about not drinking again but who knows how long that'll last." she says a bit annoyed, i can hear her rolling her eyes through the phone. She means well and loves him we all do but he's always weird with these cleanses and shit.

"okay we'll i'll be ready, just call me tomorrow when you in your way, ima just be in for the rest of the day babe, so ima go back to watching my show and you hang with your bf." i say smiling teasing her a bit. Her and jordan have this weird relationship, like they like each other one minute and don't the next. Their so weird.

"omg how many times i gotta tell you
n/n he's not my bf! but okay see you tomorrow sis, I LOVE YOU!" she yells through the phone.

"I LOVE YOU TOO BABE, BYE!" i say matching her energy and yelling back as i hang up, i smile thinking about how much fun ima have tomorrow, hoping this party will get my mind off of the german boy for a bit, let's hope.

Bills pov

3 weeks, it has been 3 weeks since i've seen that h/c haired beauty, I really hoped that interview would help her get in contact with me and tell her i'm still thinking of her and miss her. But also ever since that interview tom has been a bit strange i don't know how to explain it, he went out for a walk and took a long time, i tired asking the rest of the band if they can see it also, but they all say i'm just in my head but i don't know, i felt like something happened that he's not telling me about, but maybe the band is right maybe i am just overthinking the whole thing.

I'm sitting on the couch with my feet on the coffee table and a notebook in my hand, think of any new song ideas. tom comes into the living room and plops in the couch next to me. "heyyyy brotherrrr" i hear him drag out, oh i know that voice, he probably wants something. "yes tom" i give him a sarcastic smile. "i was wondering, all the band got invited to this party, it's like a whole bunch of celebrity's so like we won't get ambushed by fans, and me, georg, and gustav agreed that we should go and your coming with, i won't take no for an answer because you need to get out, you've been super weird and spacey since the award show." he tells me looking at me in my eyes as he leans on his arm on the couch. "it's nothing i've just been thinking about touring and a new album all that, but what time is this party ?" i easily lie to him, sometimes it's hard to lie to your twin cause they know everything about you and you know everything about them. "oh it's at 8, i didn't think you'd agree so easily, okay i'll go tell georg and gustav we're going, we are going to get shit faced tomorrow so get your mind off of whatever it's on and just enjoy tomorrow, there'll be girls and alcohol, oh did i mention girls, so loosen up brother." he tells me getting up from the couch and acting all dramatic as he thought about the girls that will be at this party tomorrow. " my god brother you are such a womanizer." i say rolling my eyes and going back to whatever was on tv. "hey don't be hating that all the ladies come to me man, not my fault you don't like girls or whatever." he tells me shrugging and rolling his eyes back at me. "omg how many times we have to be over this tom i do, sorry i just don't wanna be sucking faces with one every 5 seconds." i slap a hand on my forehead at his dumbness. "whatever man" he's says as he walks away to go call georg and gustav. i go back to my notebook looking at the blank page, hmm maybe this will be good, i can get my mind off of y/n for a bit, i hope.


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1.1k words
(sooo uhhh this one's a bit boring but this is like what's leading for the next couple chapters, there's gunna be some drama soooo yeah, i just wanted to get a chapter out for you guy, hope y'all are having a good morning/ noon/ night, love you all stay safe ♡︎)
Btw the outfits for tomorrow will be at the bottom of the chapter so it'll be easier instead of imagining cuz i know it can be hard, also do y'all want me to make like a character intro for the band and some other people that will be introduced later ?

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