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3rd pov

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3rd pov

        Waking up that morning y/n snuggled further into the arms that were holding her, she then started to realize that she was basically on top of bill, they had somehow shifted to where bill had his whole body on the couch laying down while y/n had her head on his chest and his arms were wrapped around the girl. The girl tensed a bit then relaxed, the boy was still asleep, she could hear his soft breath she looked up at him, 'he looks so peaceful, so beautiful' the girl smiled and snuggled back into him relaxing, slightly dozing off but not fully asleep yet, she felt the boy shift slightly, his arms gripped the girl tighter, she looked back up at him to see him blinking himself awake, he groaned slightly then looked down at the girl.

"good morning love" the girl said softly to the boy as she rested her head back on his chest. the boy smiled and started running his hand through the girls hair.

"good morning beautiful" the girl chuckled softly closing her eyes getting comfortable again.

"what time is it babe ?" y/n asked bill, bill looked around quickly for a clock then found a clock under the tv.

"it's 11:45 love" he said while still stroking her hair.

"mmm i gotta get up in a bit i have an interview in the evening." the girl stated as she snuggled closer to the boy if that were even possible.

"oh okay, you want to stay like this longer or go maybe get something to eat ?" bill asked, the girl perked up at the word food, the boy slightly chuckled  at the girl.

"i take that as a yes." they both chuckled and slowly separated from each other, thinking about where they should go. Y/n checked her phone and saw she had a voicemail from mike, she listened to it it real quick, bill looking at her as she did.

'heyy n/n, okay sooo chloe told me what happened with you know emo boy, and i must say i'm jealous, but anyways someone tried calling the studio the other day, says she's back, i know you do wanna talk about you know who after what happened, but you should know, just don't let her go knocking up on your door, okay well i gotta go so i'll see you at the interview byeeee n/n"

'oh shit, i didn't think she'd come back after what happened' y/n thinks to herself while zoning out a bit.

"you okay liebe ?" y/n heard bill asking her as his voice shakes her out of her thoughts. 'Liebe hmm that's german'
y/n thinks as she turns to him with a smile on her face, finding him speaking german hot.

"yeah no just thinking bout the interview later you know babe." he nods understanding how it can be sometimes with interviewer wanting to always stir some drama. Both artist make their way up to the female singers bedroom to get ready and pick something to wear, y/n let bill pick out whatever he wanted while she was picking her outfit. The female picked a black denim skirt with a black belt, a red tube top, then grabbed her black converse with a velvet zip up. The girl did a quick make up look not wanting to make the boy wait, he was on the phone with his brother explaining that he was still with the girl and that he would be back home later, the boy was wearing a black shirt with a black and white zip up, with dark blue jeans and Adidas, the clothes he came in yesterday.

"you ready bill?" y/n says to bill as she fixes her top a bit, bill looks at the beautiful girl and smiles, 'she's so beautiful' he thinks.

"your beautiful" the boy tells the girl, she smiles and grabs his hand while she grabs her purse and her keys with her other hand.

Both artist enjoyed their brunch, they had fun they had not a care in the world as far as they knew it was only them, they somehow managed to still find new topics to talk about, they never tan out of topics to talk about. The brunch came towards and end and both singers were upsets but both had things to do.

"well i did enjoy this afternoon bill, thank you for paying you really didn't have to." y/n says as she's driving towards bills hotel.

"but i did, you deserve it liebe, and i don't mind spoiling you." bill says as he smiles and grabs the girls free hand while she drives. The girl smiles and placed their interlocked hands on her thigh as she focuses back on the road. The pair sit in comfortable silence, the only sound is the faint music playing.

"well here you go b, thank you so much for today, it was nice." the girl smiles as she stops in front of the boys hotel.

"i don't mind at all n/n i enjoyed it also, i hope we do this more often." he smiles back.

"well i'll call you later, watch my interview ?" the girl says.

"of course liebe i wouldn't miss it." the boy takes both their interlocked hands and kisses her hand. she smiles and unlocks the door.

"bye bill" she smiles

"bye liebe" he smiles back as he exits the car, she blows him a quick kiss and he catches it placing it in his pocket for later, still smiling she waved driving off blasting her music as she usually would when it was just her.

while driving the girl lets her mind drift a bit to what happened early in the day and what voicemail she had received she really wonders

is her mother really back ?

1k words (liebe- love)(it's been a few days sorry guys i was busy with testing and goin thru it a bit BUT IM BACK and will try and be updating as often as i was hope you all enjoyed this chapter, like the last slow but wholesome, hope y'all having...

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1k words
(liebe- love)
(it's been a few days sorry guys i was busy with testing and goin thru it a bit BUT IM BACK and will try and be updating as often as i was hope you all enjoyed this chapter, like the last slow but wholesome, hope y'all having a good day or night love you babes !)
PS new chapter of man eater is out go check it out !

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