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(outfit at the top!)TW: panic attack/breakdown, talk of depression

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(outfit at the top!)
TW: panic attack/breakdown, talk of depression

3rd pov

Ever since that sound check rehearsal the band noticed how y/n was acting, she was always in bed only time she got out was for shows and even then would she be kinda mopey, she put on a fake smile, acting as if she was fine.

"y/n.. y/n, are you awake ? you wanna go out." y/n eyes slowly fluttered open after being disturbed in her sleep, she turned around to look at the clock in the hotel room she was staying at.


She sighed before sitting up, she slowly stretched before walking towards her door then slowly opened it to see mike and chloe, she let them in and they all sat at the little couches that were in the room. Y/n spacing out a bit as she waited for them to get settled.

"you okay n/n..?" mike asked in a bit of a soft voice, he knew that the girl could be grouchy from being woken up from her sleep, she snapped out of her thoughts shaking her head and smiling softly a bit.

"yeah just tired." the pair sitting opposite from the singer nodded and begun'discussing about the plans they had made.

"so we were wondering if you wanted to go to a beach near here ? and then maybe go out to eat you know." mike explained what they had planned, y/n nodded then scratched the back of her neck a bit then looking off to the side.

"uhh if you don't mind guys i think ima' sleep a bit longer, i'm just really tired you know? but i hope you guys have fun." y/n explains as she looked down then looked back up at the pair giving them a bit of a convincing smile. The pair looked at each other real quick then looked back at y/n nodding, knowing that she was tired, they could see her eyes bags, she had also gotten a bit skinner since the beginning of the tour and was currently looking a bit pale.

"okay boo but you know call us if you need anything or call bill okay." chloe said as her and mike stood up then placed a hand on y/n shoulder rubbing it a bit, y/n looked up at them and smiled then nodded, waving at them as the walked out her door. The pair had left and y/n let out a sigh, she dragged herself back to bed and then threw herself in the covers again, at this hotel bill decided to stay with tom, but he came over the night before and hung out with her a bit. Bill was giving y/n space and she was kinda glad cause she didn't want him to see her like this. she wrapped herself in the covers and just stared into space as she laid on her side. She didn't think about anything in particular just stared off into space. As she spaced out she didn't even hear the door open or felt the covers move. She felt arms wrap themselves around herself, she flinched a bit getting snapped out of her spacing out. She then realized it was bill due to the cologne and he was the only other person who had her key card. She relaxed and let herself space out again as she felt bill stuff his face in her neck.

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