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3rd pov

        Y/n immediately detached herself from the two boys and ran to the entrance of the hotel, they not were trying to call her and tell her to be careful cause she was in 8 inch heels, but she didn't care she wanted to the boy that's she's been missing for, for weeks. She saw him in the distance, he saw her as well then saw her shoes his eyes widened he got scared she would hurt herself so he ran towards her as well, scared she would hurt herself. Y/n threw herself on bill, him catching her lifting her off the ground a bit, she giggled, he held her up for a sec before setting her down still hugging her.

"ugh i missed you" the girl said while her face was in the crook of his neck, the heels added height to her. Bill let go of her to get a look at her outfit, he noticed she was taller with the heels, he didn't realize how tall they were. He grabbed one of her hands an spun the girl, she laughed a bit.

"you look beautiful liebe." the girl smiled and hugged him again.

"uhh we're here too." y/n peeked over bills shoulder to see the rest of the boys walking towards them. She quickly let go of bill and stood in front of the boys smiling at them, she hadn't really met them so she was excited.

"hi guys! sorry i was just happy to see bill, but how are you? if you didn't already know i'm y/n." The girl said smiling at them with her hands behind her back, she rocked back and forth a bit.

"well i'm georg, this is gustav and tom." the two boys nodded at her, she already knew tom, but she wasn't gonna say anything unless he did.

"well it's nice to meet you all, thank you for coming today it means a lot, let's head over to the room." y/n said as she leads them to the room where the party was being held at, there were security guards in the front of the doors making sure people who weren't supposed to go didn't go in. They saw the girl and nodded while letting the group in. They all walked in and looked around the room, they had some of y/ns music playing but not really loud, y/n saw her band and grabbed bills hand also signaling the other boys to follow her as well, she quickly sped walked to her band, they saw her coming with the german boy and all looked at each other, izzy stood in front of the 4, putting on this big brother persona in front of the boy, he didn't need to cause y/n could've handled him all on her own of anything ever happened but still he wanted to scare the kid a bit.

"guys, guys! i have brought you guys tokio hotel, so this is bill, chloe you know him, and then georg, tom, and gustav, and you guys this is my band, that's chloe, mike, izzy, and jordan."
y/n pointed at each person as she introduced everyone, they all gave each other smiles and waves. Both groups slowly got comfortable with each other and started talking, y/n smiled, happy to see that both bands were getting along. Bill wrapped an arm around her shoulders.

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