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 (changing the date to 9pm !)(not proof read)

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(changing the date to 9pm !)
(not proof read)

3rd pov

"dude he said he's on his way!" y/n exclaimed to chloe.

"ouooo girl you ready ?" chloe asked the girl, y/n wasn't sure she was a bit nervous, she shouldn't be cause her and bill have basically kissed and slept together.

"i'm kinda nervous not gonna lie, like i know we've slept together and all that but i don't know, i'm not used to dates!" y/n told her as she was putting on her boots and grabbing her coat.

"girl you'll be fine that boy is literally in love with you like seriously." y/n nodded and let out an 'mhmm' knowing that chloe was right, he hasn't shown any reason that he doesn't like her.

"well i gotta go girl okay cause he's gonna be here right now." y/n told her best friend as she started walking down the stairs.

"okay n/n good luck, text me the details after!" chloe said before hanging up the phone. Y/n sighed and sat down on the couch waiting for the german to get to her house, she was kinda nervous but she was excited to see the boy, also wondering what he had planned. She felt her phone go off, she already knew it was bill.

billy: i'm here love

Y/n took a deep breath in and out before getting up and putting her coat on and walking towards the door but not before grabbing her purse and keys. She walked towards the door before closing it and walking towards the car bill was in, she smiled as she saw him roll down the window and smile at her.

"hi babe." y/n said as she got in and gave him a kiss on his cheek.

"hi meine liebe." he said to the girl with a smile.

"so where are we gonna go billy it's 9pm and not a lot of things are open expect clubs." y/n said as she got settled in her seat, bill placed a hand on her thigh which caused her to have butterflies.

"mmm you'll see it's a surprise lovey." bill said as he smiled teasingly at the girl, she rolled her eyes playfully a bit before turning the radio up and holding his hand as he drove away to take them to their mysterious date.

The pair sang along to songs that played on the radio, laughing, and sharing a few quick kisses whenever they got the chance, they eventually pulled up to a park and y/n raised and eyebrow as bill shrugged and told her she'd have to close her eyes since it's a surprise.

"ermmm okay i'm trusting you, i better not fall." y/n said as she took bills hand as he helped her out of the car. The female singer then stood in front of bill with her back facing him. The male singer placed a hand over her eyes, being careful not to smudge or ruin any of her make up, then grabbed one of her hands as a way to lead her towards the direction of where they're going.

"your not secretly going to kill me right like this whole time you were just trying to seduce me to my death." y/n asked, bill laughed almost letting go of her hand in the process. He bent down a bit towards where her ear was before whispering

"trust me love if i wanted to i would've." ge told her almost in a joking way, but the fact that he whispered by her ear sent shivers down her spine a bit, she giggled a bit along with bill. The pair walked a few more steps before stopping.

"okay keep your eyes closed for a second okay love i'll tell you when to open them." y/n nodded and closed her eyes shut she felt bill leave her side and heard some rustling and a lighter going off, she wondered what was going on, she then felt a presence in front of her.

"okay, ready? open your eyes on the count of 3, 1, 2, 3, now!" bill told her as he moved to stand behind her and place a hand on her shoulder, when the female singer heard him to tell her to open her eyes and she did, when she did she saw a beautiful picnic, candles and plates of different treats and food, somehow having her favorite food, which she didn't even tell bill about, she turned around and faced bill, he had a big goofy smile on his face so did the girl.

"omg bill! this is so cute i cant, you did this all for me love." y/n said she she wrapped her arms around his neck while looking at him, he wrapped his arms around her waist.

"yes of course i did mein schatz, you deserve the world." y/n melted at that, she smiled upside down before bringing him into a hug, to hide her huge blush and smile, and also cause she wanted to hug the boy, he chuckled before snuggling into her, they stood there a few minutes enjoying each other's presences then y/n separated herself from him and quickly grabbed his hand.

"now let's go enjoy this food you brought!" y/n said as she rushed him towards the blanket to sit down, bill laughed at her childness. The pair talked and ate, begging affectionate with one another due to the fact that the park was literally empty and no one was there, bill noticed that the more
y/n got comfortable with him the more she let her childish side out, he was glad that she was comfortable with him, bill started to notice the little things about the girl, like how she would upside smile sometimes when she was flustered or how her eyes would light up when she was happy or talked about something she liked, how she messed with the rings on her fingers or the necklace around her neck. The pair had eventually finished the food and it was 11pm now, they were just laying down on their backs as they held each others hands and looked up at the stars in the sky. The sky was clear so every star was visible.

"stars are so pretty, i wish i could be a star." y/n blurted out of nowhere, bill chuckled at her randomness before commenting.

"i hear that when we die we become stars in the sky." bill said as he looked at the girl, she was still staring at the sky but she could feel his eyes on her as he ran his thumb over the top of her hand.

"i can't wait to be a star, it's probably so peaceful, no press, crazy fans, or crazy ex boyfriends and their weird girlfriends." y/n said while laughing at the last part, bill laughed as well.

"you'd be the prettiest star up there mein schatz." y/n finally looked at him after he said that, she smiled softly at him before leaning and and giving him a passionate kiss that he returned back, they payed there basking in each others presences as they kissed for what seemed like forever but really wasn't. As the pair separated the smiled at each other, y/n then moved to place her head on bills chest as they wrap they're arms around each other.

"thank you bill tonight was very nice."
y/n says into his chest, feeling sleepy a bit. Bill let out a 'hmm' before rubbing her back a bit which makes her relax.
The pair laid there in each others arms basking in each others presence once again, enjoying how the night went.

"thank you billy.."


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1.3k words
(HIHIHI, hope you guys liked this chapter i was having kinda a hard time with it cuz i didn't want it to be bad for y'all but i hope it's good, i just wanna say thank you all for the love and your guys comments make my day fr! love you all have a good day/ night 💙)
PS after next week i'll slowly start to update my other bill ff for the first time! and will be updating man eater more !

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