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TW: SH, alcohol, talk of depression

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TW: SH, alcohol, talk of depression


3rd pov

Y/n woke up feeling hungry and still faded, not as much but still the feeling was there, there was no food in the hotel room so y/n's only option was to go out and get something, she knew there was a liquor store across the street from the hotel so she decided she would go there. She slowly unwrapped bills arms from her waist, she was glad he could stay asleep sometimes and that he was such a deep sleeper when he drank. Y/n stretched real quick then grabbed her wallet making sure her wallet was in there and the keys for the hotel room as well, then left.

The girl stumbled a bit on her way to the liquor store, it was probably 4 in the morning so there weren't very many cars out, she j-walked to the liquor store not caring in that moment if she got hit by a car or not. She walked in to the store and it smelled of cigarettes and cherrys, she looked to see who cashier was and weather or not she'd be able to get more alcohol, it looked like a teenage girl so she was safe. Y/n wandered towards the back looking for a drink and some snacks she likes, she gathered the stuff in her hands and headed towards the register.

"how's your night going." the cashier asked the singer, y/n thought about an answer for a second.

"good now that i'm here." the cashier nodded and smiled at her. Y/n smiled back, the stood in silence as the cashier scanned her items.

"that'll be all?" the cashier asked.

"mmm and give me a bottle of Smirnoff and don julio." y/n said as she pointed to the bottles behind the register, she nodded and grabbed the bottle to scan them. Y/n handed the cashier her ID and her credit card to pay for the items, she then put them in a bag, the singer grabbed her things then started to walk towards the exit of the store.

"hey, your that singer y/n right?" the cashier asked, y/n turned her head towards her and smiled while nodding.

"keep going girl, it'll be hard right now but people you love will be there to guide you and help you, i promise you it'll get better." That left y/n stunned a bit, she didn't know what to say to that, so y/n smiled a genuine smile before mumbling a small thank you and heading out the door. Before she crossed the street she quickly looked back at the cashier, but to her surprise she was gone.


The singer shrugged before reaching in the bag and grabbing the bottle of Smirnoff and opening it right up then drinking it, she didn't care that it was straight up, she was so used to the taste, she didn't even make a face. She walked across the street but not before looking both ways, she made it back to the hotel, she smiled quickly at the person at the front desk, before making her way towards the elevator, she got in and downed the drink even more, almost half of the bottle was already gone. She made her way to her hotel room, rushing towards the bathroom then closing the door, she turned on the shower and took her shoes and her jacket. She then laid herself in the tub with the water from the shower hitting her, she didn't care though, the more she drank from the bottle the more drunk she got, and the worst her thoughts got. Y/n hadn't realized it yet but she slowly started crying, first it was one tear then another then more and more came pouring out and they couldn't stop, she started to let out sobs, as she hiccuped, she was drunk off her ass crying in the tub. She finished off the bottle and dropped it on the ground, that caused it to break on the floor due to the impact. She looked down and saw the broken glass and let her mind drift to a dark place.

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