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3rd pov

       Y/n heard toms voice behind her but she didn't care, she easily dodged the blondes punch and swung a right hook on her, knocking the blonde back a bit, y/n bumped her fist with mike before running at the girl and swinging on her again, mike socked martin in the face, making him stumble, he easily got up and swung on mike, both friends were getting down in the lobby of a hotel, y/n was on top of the blonde straddling her and repeatedly punching her in the face, the blonde was pulling on her hair trying to do something but couldn't due to y/ns strength. Y/n felt arms lift her off of the blonde, it was tom and security holding the blonde.

"yeah dats right bitch! you was on that floor you think you could beat my ass all you do is pull hair look at you, you is all fucked up!" y/n was yelling at the girl, she looked to right and saw security trying to pull mike off of martin she smiled proud of her best friend, she turned back around and a hand connected with her mouth, she reacted quickly and hit back, she wasn't sure if it was the blonde or someone else, none the less she continued fighting back. She backed whoever had a hold on her hair into a wall y/n then swept her legs under whoever it was who had a hold on her, the person fell on their butt and y/n grab ahold her her hair punching her. They got separated again this time it being chloe holding her, she looked and saw it was her mom. She couldn't believe it, her mom may have yelled at her and threatened to hit her back in the day she just never expected her to actually do it.

"go back to wherever you came from nobody wants y'all weirdos here." she heard chloe yell at the three, they got kicked out by security. Y/n had a bloody lip, a couple scratches on her neck, and bruised knuckles, her ankles hurt a bit from the heels but but was overall fine, just her hair was all messy, compared to her mom and the blonde girl she fucked up she was good, both women had blood all over them and hair all over the place, mike had a bloody nose and bruised knuckles. Both mike and y/n looked at each other before breaking out into laughter, this has happened once before, them getting down together, it had been a while though but they just found the whole thing funny, fighting people in a hotel lobby. It seemed as if everyone snapped out of the shocked and laughed along with the pair also, mike wiped his nose with the sleeve of his long shirt, y/n rolled her shoulders, she didn't feel any pain cause she was still on adrenaline but she knew once it wore off she's gonna be in pain. Bill rushed over to the girl snapping out of his thoughts, he wrapped her in a hug, she was shocked a bit but relaxed when she realized it was him.

"omg y/n are you okay? nothing hurts right? no you need to go to the hospital? OH MY GOD YOUR BLEEDING." bill freaked out while looking at the girl checking her injuries out. The girl laughed, she found it cute and sweet how worried he was. Bill gave her a confused look.

"i'm fine billy, you know this isn't my first rodeo, i've been in fights before." y/n said while laughing a bit, she was glad the boy was worried about her.

"oh okay, just are you sure, i think we should go find somewhere to sit down to treat you and mikes wounds." bill said, y/n thought he sounded like a worried mother, it made her smile, she nodded then nodded at mike to follow, they walked to the room where all there things were and then sat down. Somewhere along the way izzy and jordan joined them as well as the rest of bills band.

"y/n! you were dope as hell out there, the way you dodge her punch and beat her ass and even when the other lady punched you how you didn't even get distracted, and then most of all your fighting in those crazy shoes." tom rambled on, making everyone chuckle a bit, he reminded y/n of a kid in a candy store. The group got situated, y/n taking off her heels that she somehow fought in and didn't break her ankles, she then unzipped her leather jacket since she was hot and the leather was uncomfortable, she stood up and quickly looked in the mirror to see how she looked.

'still look good.' she smiled at herself and fixed her hair a bit, she then stretched a bit realizing the adrenaline was wearing off a bit and all she wanted to do was go home. Security had informed them that after the altercation a lot of people left, though luckily not many people saw the fight except hotel staff and a few others but she didn't really care nor did the rest of the band, a while ago a fight of hers had been in the press as well so she wasn't worried nor cared what they had to say about her.

"hey how about we all go to y/ns house for an after party, yeah?" jordan suggested, everyone agrees, they didn't get to do much of anything and they all still wanted to hang out. Bill saw y/n sit back down and sigh closing her eyes.

"you okay love." bill asked as he placed a hand on her thigh rubbing it, she looked at his face and he looked concerned. She smiled, feeling butterfly's at his action.

"i'm fine billy just tired, and my feet hurt." she said slightly chuckling, he still looked worried for her then chuckled slightly.

"i mean you fought in 8 inch heels and still won love, surprised you didn't break your ankles or anything."
bill said smiling a bit, y/n laughed.

"what can i say i'm a real bad bitch." she said shrugging her shoulders, bill nodded 'mhmm she's not wrong about that' he shook his head from the thoughts he was having and looked back at the girl, he noticed everyone was getting ready to leave and go to the female singers house, y/n signed and threw herself on the rest of the couch not wanting to get up. Bill noticed this and said.

"you want me to carry you to the car liebe." the girl melted, he was so kind and sweet, not even martin did this after she had a squabble of some sort and was in pain, he always just somewhat brushed her off.

"can you please billy?" she said sitting up and placing her hands together, he chuckled and nodded, he placed one arm under her knees and one behind her back, he picked her up and began walking out the hotel, she snuggled in to him a bit, she didn't care if press saw this or anything she was with him that's all that mattered. Bill placed a half asleep y/n in the car, chloe then gave them the address to y/ns house so they could hang for a bit. Everyone arrived to the girls house, y/n went upstairs to get changed, she put on a big t-shirt and some fuzzy pajama pants then came back downstairs to everyone sitting in the living room watching a movie and talking, she walked to the couch bill was on and sat next to him resting her head on his shoulder, he wrapped an arm around her pulling her on top of him as he laid both of them down, he knew she was tired.

"sleep love." he whispered to the girl she nodded and closed her eyes, snuggling into bills chest and smelling his cologne she smiled and slowly drifted off into dreamland, happy with how today ended.


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1.4k words
(i literally rewatched my old fight videos for the beginning part and js placed y/n in my place and the blonde in the girls i fought place 😭😭, BUT ANYWAYS hope y'all enjoyed, have a good day/ night, love you babes !)

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