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Y/ns pov

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Y/ns pov

       I smoothed my jean skirt out as i looked at myself in the mirror, i was wearing a black jean skirt with a mesh red with black short sleeve shirt, with a black bra underneath and these knee high platforms. My hair was in loose curls with some glitter just to be extra, i had a black smokey eye make up look, with a brown lip liner and lip gloss combo.

For some reason i had a feeling that tonight would be different, i don't really know how to explain it but i just felt like something was gonna happen tonight, good or bad oh well i'm not gonna think of it.

I grab my sunglasses and my small black shoulder bag, cause i'm not trying to hold a bag all night if i do get drunk. My phones buzzes as Chloe tells me she's here, i make sure i have everything i need before heading out.

"HEY BITCH" she yells at me from the car as she opens the back door for me to get in.

"hi babe i missed you, i tell her as i give her kiss on the cheek getting a little lipgloss on her as she does the same.

"so we ready to go?"

Bills pov

Y/n. It seems as no matter what i do i can't get her off my mind, i was thinking about her a lot today but i don't know why, i just wish i could see her again.

I add the finishing touches to my make up as i make sure i have what i need as tom calls me downstairs so we can leave and go pick up georg and gustav.

'okay bill stop thinking about her go out and have fun tonight maybe get shit faced so you can forget about her for the night, just go out and have fun.' i think to myself as i look in the mirror one last time.

I make my way downstairs as i hear tom complain how long i was taking.

"hurry up princess, geez it takes you forever" he says rolling his eyes as he grabs the keys to the car and to the house.

"yeah whatever brother" i say rolling my eyes back and grab my sunglasses and jacket. "let's go" i say as i make my way to the door first.

"hey wait up your not the one driving" he says as he speed walks towards me while holding his pants a little

"i swear you and those pants, i don't get why we don't just get a car to go over there one of us is gonna have to stay sober" i tell him slightly teasing him about his pants that are basically on the ground, as i get in the passenger side of the car.

"man whatever, just have georg or gustav drive you know gustav is sort of like the mother of the group" he says as he gets in the driver side.

"okay let's just go"

3rd pov

As y/n and her band arrive to the party, she can't help but wonder what this strange feeling is, she doesn't know if she overthinking it or not but she feels like something is gonna happen, good or bad ? She doesn't now.

"now now y/n loosen up okay let's have some drinks dance and who knows maybe meet a guy, just get out of your mind for a bit you know." mike tells her as they walk through the door of whoever celebrity's house it is.

"maybe you needa find a guy or girl i'm just saying mike, it'll help you loosen up a bit" y/n says teasing him a bit, everyone knows deep down that mikes a little fruity but aye they don't judge.

"oh shut it y/n" he rolls his eyes

"you know i'm right !" y/n says point a hand at him and laughing as everyone else including mike does as well.

tonight's gonna be good, but little did y/n know that a few minutes after she entered the house a group of boys entered the house as well.

Y/n and chloe are taking a couple shots, jordan and mike are drinking beers, while izzy is the designated driver for the night, he's not really a drinker, more of a smoker, but he knew everyone is getting shit faced so he decided to just drink redbulls all night.

On the other side of the house at another bar, bill, tom, georg and gustav are doing their thing, georg just drinking a beer slowly as he talks with gustav, tom already buzzed and flirting with some girl, and bill sitting down listening to georg and gustavs convo, with a mixed drink in his hand. He looks towards the dance floor and he thinks he imaging things or maybe he had to much to drink, but he sees y/n dancing with a girl he's seen on her music videos, he sees y/n walk away to the bar on the other side and gets a drink, as she's getting her drink she turns towards the direction of the german boy and thinks she's trippin. 'did i seriously have that much to drink already?' she thinks to herself, but then bill looks back at the h/c haired girl and they lock eye contact. Suddenly it's just those two in the room and nobody else. Bill gets up from the couch he was on and quickly mumbles he'll be right back to the boys as he still holds eye contact with the girl he's been longing to see since the night of the awards. As both singer slowly walk towards each other they start to realizes that this is real and they both are in the presences of each other. They stop right in front of each other on the dance floor looking into each other eyes, y/n looking up since he's taller than her, and him looking down at her since she's shorter. she softly smiles at him as he returns it back a bit


1k words (oop, they meet again LMAO, a little rushed at the end cuz i just wanted to get a chapter out tdy, but okay surrrr idk i'm imaging that y'all are not like above 6'4 BUT IF U ARE IMAGINE BILL IS TALLER, next chapters is gonna have some dra...

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1k words
(oop, they meet again LMAO, a little rushed at the end cuz i just wanted to get a chapter out tdy, but okay surrrr idk i'm imaging that y'all are not like above 6'4 BUT IF U ARE IMAGINE BILL IS TALLER, next chapters is gonna have some drama so yeah the outfit she wore is down below, but have a good morning/ noon/ or night my love hope you liked it love u guys 💋)

1k words (oop, they meet again LMAO, a little rushed at the end cuz i just wanted to get a chapter out tdy, but okay surrrr idk i'm imaging that y'all are not like above 6'4 BUT IF U ARE IMAGINE BILL IS TALLER, next chapters is gonna have some dra...

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