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(outfit on top !)

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(outfit on top !)

3rd pov

Y/n looks at her outfit one last time making sure it looked good.

Bill wanted her to match with him that night, and she didn't know why but complied. She wore a black button up halter top, with a black mini skirt, she had put a belt on as well, then paired it with black chunky knee high boots. She kept her hair natural and just placed a black head band on. She sprayed perfume with glitter in it all over her so she'd be sparking, she made sure her make up looks good before grabbing her purse of the night. It was a black heart shaped purse, it was the length of a simple shoulder bag so it would be easy for her to carry.

"are you ready my love !" bill yelled from their bathroom, y/n looked in the mirror that they had in the hotel room one last time before nodding.

"yes baby!" bill walked out and a blush rose to his face as soon as he saw y/n.

"what do i look bad?" y/n asked jokingly, bill shook his head and smiled softly y/n before wrapping his arms around her waist and pulling her into a soft kiss, they stood there kissing for a few seconds.

"you look perfect mein liebe." y/n smiled and gave him a quick peck before letting go to look at his outfit.

"and you don't look to bad yourself baby." he was wearing a black shirt with a skull, and black jeans with his white double looped white belt, he has on a chain and some sweat band on his right wrist.

"well shall we get going pretty lady." bill asked holding out his arm, y/n smiled.

"yes, we shall."

They arrive to the venue, both bands were all loaded up in one bus, they could all fit, everyone was doing they're own thing, bill and y/n were in the back talking about random nonsense, bill had given y/n their set list for the night, she helped him with signing some posters they were gonna give to some fans after the concert.

"aww this green room is so cute, it feels so homey." y/n exclaimed as she sat on one of the couches.

"yeah it's whatever." tom said as he grabbed his guitar out of his guitar case.

"hey bill me, georg and gustav are gonna set up, when your done making out with y/n and ready for a quick soundcheck just come out." tom said with a smirk on his face and started walking out.

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