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"can i stay the night ? if that's fine with you of course love

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"can i stay the night ? if that's fine with you of course love."

3rd pov

      As bill asked her that question, y/n felt her stomach drop to the floor, not in a bad way of course, she just wasn't expecting that question, but at the same time was. She didn't know what to think, spending the night with the boy she likes, oh how she wanted to say no but she could never say no to him.

"oh yeah, of course, i couldn't leave you out in that rain" y/n says smiling sheepishly at him, oh that smile. Bill blushed at the fact, she cared so much about him, a part of him was sure she would say no but he still said fuck it.

"i have some clothes from when my band mates stay the night, i'm sure they won't miss it, wanna come see what fits you? we could also have like a sorta sleep over out here so i'm not making you sleep on the couch." she says to him as she grabs the boys hand and leads him to her room up the stairs. Bill smiles softly at her even though she probably can't see.

"thanks n/n." y/n blushes at the nickname, nobody really calls her that other than her band. Y/n turns her head around while still leading him to her room and smiles softly at him. They make it up to the girls room and she quickly leads him to her closet so they can stuff for him to wear. As they enter the girls walk in closest he can't help but look at everting her vanity in one corner with a whole bunch of different make up and an island she has in the middle of the room, dozens of drawers and cabinets lined on the walls with a big mirror on the sliding door in the small places she could fit things on the wall she had little pictures of her favorite music artists and bands and pics of her and her band, he saw pictures of her and a women she didn't recognize 'most likely her mother' he thought. She opened one of the many closets and skimmed through the hung up clothes, she quickly looked at bill up and down to see what was more his style, then she picked out a black over size shirt with a skull on it, and black basketball shorts, but also brought out a pair of dark gray sweatpants in case he didn't wanna wear the shorts, and a pair of black sock.

"so here you go, i took out sweats and shorts i don't know what your preference is, if you wanna shower or something i have like a bunch of different things in the guest bathroom, also like undergarments and all that in here if you just wanna pick that yourself." she smiled sheepishly at him while handing him the folded clothes, he thought about it for a sec, he does feel comfortable enough with this girl so why not.

"yeah if that fine love, show me the way." she nods while still smiling at him and grabs his free hand and leads him back down the stairs, oh how bill liked the feeling of her hand in his. She leads him towards the back of the house, the make it in front of another sliding door, this one being all black, she explains to him where all the stuff is and opens the closet to get a towel and shows him where this little cubby is for undergarments and stuff.

"okay that's it, i'm gonna either be in the living room or my room, ima shower also so if i'm not in the living room feel free to put on any movie and grab whatever you want from the kitchen babe if you hungry." she said as she makes her way to the door she smiles at him and blows a quick kiss and closes the door before she could see his reaction. He smiled warmly blushing slight, realizing how much he's falling for this h/c haired beauty, but maybe that wouldn't be so bad, his brothers always teasing him about stuff like that. He finished his shower and put on the clothes that y/n lent him, he makes his way downstairs with his old clothes as he makes it downstairs he realize that y/n isn't done yet, he could hear loud music coming from upstairs and faint singing, he smiles and shakes his head while listening to the girl belt it out, he's never really heard her sing on that level but he loves it, he just loves her music period, he loved seeing her performing for the award show he can only imagine how her concerts are, the way she just connected and flowed with the crowd, he just thought she was so beautiful in every way, a part of him couldn't believe how much of a hold this girl has on him in just the little time they've been together. She gets snapped out of his thought as he hears her music turn off and a door open, he then hears her footstep come down the stairs.

"what cha doinnn" y/n says as she makes it down the stairs and smiles at him, she was wearing skull pajama pants and am a black tank top, he smiles at her.

"your so beautiful" he tells her while smiling back at her, that caught her off guard a bit, she blushed and looked down at her feet that had these shoe looking slippers, but oh how y/n couldn't get enough of that smile of his.

"oh shush that's all you, but anyways what we gonna do now, should we just keep watching movies till we get tired? we never finished watching the fast and the furious babe." the girl said as she made her way over to the couch.

"yeah let's just do that pretty." he said as he wrapped his arm around her shoulder again and propped his feet on the coffee table in front of them that had all the stuff bill brought the girl, she leaned into him wrapping her arms around her waist just this time putting her legs up on the couch. They cuddled the rest of the evening talking about random things again, y/n mentioning how she was gonna release her third album soon, and then she was gonna have to go on tour for 4 months after the release.

"wait so your gonna leave me for 4 months what am i gonna do while your gone ?" the german boy said pouting while looking down at her, she laughed a bit at his childish antics.

"well i'll call you as much as i can, and maybe if your not busy i can fly you out for some concerts you can bring the rest of your band also." she said while looking up at him. 'that's actually not a bad idea, i'd have to see what my manager says though cause we could possibly go on tour soon also'

"i would like that pretty, i just have to check with my manager and all that stuff, you know." the girl looked at the boy and nodded, snuggling into him further, the girl was getting sleepy and the boy could tell, he started to stroke her hair and after a few minutes of doing so he noticed how she knocked out, he smiled 'she so beautiful when she sleeps, she's just so peaceful.'

soon after they german boy found himself dozing off and becoming sleepier by the minute, the boy soon fell asleep with the girl he likes in his arms, oh how luckily he felt in this moment and wished it never went away.

"goodnight my love.."


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1.3k words
(kinda slow but wholesome somewhat liked this chapter, i'm not having an updating schedule but i wont make y'all wait a week, started my tom kaulitz ff excited for that, will fs release a chapter by the end of the week, this weeks gonna be a bit slow tho cuz i have state testing and i'm in a funk cuz it would've been me and my exs 1 year this week if they didn't cheat.. sooo yeah BUT hope y'all is having a good morning/ noon/ or evening love you my loves !)

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