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(date outfit at the top!)

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(date outfit at the top!)

3rd pov

Y/n woke up that morning to a whole bunch of texts from bill saying they were gonna be touring together and how excited he was, also him asking why he didn't tell her, she laughed a bit, saying she wanted to keep it a surprise, he understood where she was coming from, then he went right back to texting about how excited he was that they were gonna be touring, y/n agreed with the boy. Y/ns day consisted of perfecting her tour outfits making sure they fit, calling her stylist and chloe so they could get fitted at the singers house.

"soooo maria, y/ns gotta new boyfrienddd." chloe gossiped to maria, the bands stylist.

"ouooo who's the lucky guy." maria asked the singer, y/n smiled a bit turning around to face maria who was on the floor fixing the girls skirt from behind.

"well his name is bill, and he has a band called tokio hotel, they're german also." she explained as maria grabbed her hips to turn her back around to face the mirror since she wasn't done.

"ahhh i've heard of him, i heard he was a real lover boy, not being like his brother who's a playboy and sleeps around a bit, they say the twins are completely opposite when it comes to women." maria told the girls, chloe raised her eyebrows up and down at
y/n saying she as in a way 'she got the better twin', y/n laughed a bit trying not to move and mess up maria's work.

"yeah well he's sweet and hella fine, tomorrow we're going out on a date."
y/n told maria with a smile, maria raised an eyebrow, then looked at chloe, chloe nodded her head, as they all laughed.

"so you know what your gonna wear." maria asked the girl, y/n looked side to side, knowing she didn't have any idea what she was gonna wear tomorrow or how she was gonna look. Both maria and chloe gasped dramatically, making y/n roll her eyes.

"what okay, it was a last minute date and i've been very busy with touring stuff you know." maria and chloe nodded understanding where she was coming from, the singer had been very busy these past few day, the whole band had, this fitting was the only break they were getting for a while.

"well since you don't go on tour until next week we can push this fitting till saturday after your date, for now let's go see what you got in that closet and pick and outfit and all that babe."
maria told the singer, chloe agreed clapping her hands, y/n nodded and took the outfit off with marias help before following chloe up to her own bedroom

"OMG BILL IS GONNA DIE WHEN HE SEES YOU IN THIS.". chloe exclaimed as they looked at the outfit they had picked out, it was a leather coat, with a red mini dress that had a layer of black mesh over it that had little designs, then they paired it with a pair of black combat boots. The singer smiled as she looked at herself in the mirror, she didn't have her hair done or make up on, but she still felt pretty, excited about seeing bill tomorrow and seeing what he has planned.

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