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 TW: alcohol, drugs

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TW: alcohol, drugs

3rd pov

"Yo, y/n let's go." y/n heard tom yell. She was looking at herself in the mirror, just staring at herself, noticing things about how she looked, she snapped out of it as soon as the banging on her door got louder from the older twin.

"coming!" she yelled as she grabbed her purse and her phone, then put her sunglasses on. She walked to her door opened it, to see the boy of tokio hotel, including her boyfriend, she closed the door then went to wrap her arms around her boyfriends waist, he wrapped his arm around her shoulders.

"let's go." y/n said looking ahead, everyone nodded and began walking towards where chloe, jordan, mike, and izzy were in the lobby. Bill looked down at y/n trying to see her eyes, they were covered by her sunglasses, he wondered why she had them on but at the same time they were famous and knew she probably didn't wanna be seen. As the were walking bill wondered if the paparazzi knew about him and y/n already, he didn't mind that they knew, the world would get to know that y/n was his. He snapped out of his thoughts as they got closer to the lobby where the others were waiting.

"hey y'all ready to go?" chloe asked, everyone said some form of yes. Everyone headed towards the exit and separated to the two different cars they had. They didn't wanna pull up to a club in a big tour bus. They were all currently in denmark, they were to go to germany next, where the boys were from, bill had mentioned something about wanting to introduce his parents to y/n but she couldn't remember.

In one suv was bill, y/n, chloe, jordan, and tom, in the other was izzy, gustav, georg, and mike. Bill and y/n sat next to each other cuddling a bit, y/n blocked out the conversation they were all having, she was just staring out the window, she couldn't really understand what was going on due to the fact that she wasn't exactly in the right state of mind currently but the others didn't know that, and didn't have to. What they didn't knew was that y/n was getting high and drinking like crazy again, if she wasn't high, she was buzzed or drunk, if she wasn't buzzed or drunk, she was high. She didn't do any heavy stuff just smoking, she didn't wanna have to deal with the real world, her management wanted her to do more interviews and be more active because of the tour but she didn't wanna, she was tired.

"we're here liebe." she felt bill shake her a bit, she had glasses on so bill couldn't see weather she was asleep or not. She nodded, bill helped her out the car, they were a bit surprised paparazzi wasn't there but glad.

The group went there separate ways, either going for seats, drinks, or the dance floor, y/n made a b-line for the drinks needing alcohol in her system to be around so many people. She ordered a couple of shots and downed them quickly, making a face at the taste of the substance, bill joined her as well as tom, they order whiskey while y/n got a mixed drink with a shot of tequila.

"that's a lot of alcohol y/n, your gonna be hammered." tom joked as he saw y/n pour the shot of tequila in her mix drink, she shrugged.

"yolo." she said as she took a sip of the drink, she made a face, it was strong but bearable.

"let's go dance babe." y/n said as she grabbed bills hand, he nodded and then nodded at tom as in a way of saying he was gonna see him later. The pair got to the dance floor and started dancing, grinding on each other, they were so close they could feel each others breathes, they were stuck in the sweaty crowd with the flashing lights and liquor in their systems.

"hey billy." y/n somewhat shouted due to the loud music, she had one arm wrapped around bills neck and the other holding her drink and purse.

"yes my love?" bill asked as he had one arm wrapped around her waist and then other holding his drink. Y/n then wrapped both arms around his neck as she stopped dancing to the music which caused bill to as well.

"i love you billy." y/n whispered, bill thought he was hearing things at first then realized what she said. he smiled.

"i love you too darling." y/n goofily smiled at that and leaned in to kiss him, the kiss was fueled by passion and alcohol, bill being the more sober one could tell she had a lot to drink but didn't care in that moment. Because he loved her.

They spent the rest of the night having fun and just feeling somewhat normal, they saw y/n happy and they were happy that she was but if only they new she was high and drunk off her ass.

"AHH, i can walk, i can walk babe." y/n repeated as she stumbled to her hotel room with bill, he was helping her walk to their room, both singers had drank a lot that night but bill was more buzzed than drunk, y/n on the other hand was shit faced due to the fact she went to the bathroom to smoke a joint when no one was looking and had one to many drinks.

"come on let's get you in bed love." bill said as he opened the door, as soon as he did y/n ran to her bed in the hotel room and threw herself on in snuggling in the sheets. Bill laughed at that and took off her shoes and her jacket placing it on a chair near the bed then took off his shoes and jacket and got in bed with the girl snuggling with her.

"goodnight my love." bill said as he ran his hands through her hair, she mumbled something back before knocking out, that caused bill to chuckle before he himself fell asleep.


Bills pov

I woke up to the sound of the shower, i didn't think much of it and was gonna go back to sleep, then i heard the sound of crying and glass breaking, i quickly wake up and sit up, i then notice y/n not in bed, i get up and rush over quickly towards the direction of the bathroom and open the door, i gasp.

"y/n!? what are you doing!?"


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1.1k words
(ermm yeah that's tdys chapter, it was gonna be longer but i wanted a cliffhanger so YEAH, anyways i have a surprise brewing for y'all..)

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