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3rd pov

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3rd pov

      Y/n pulls up to the studio, taking the keys out of her car, opening the car door before closing and walking to the doors of the studio, opening it and getting greeted with the smell of a new car. She loved how the studio smelled, she walked into the meeting room, and was greeted with everyone, she runs a bit to go and hug chloe, they hug each other swaying from side to side a bit, everyone chuckled a bit at the pair. Y/n then went to hug everyone else and greet her manager and the other members.

"sooo what's the plan?"

"wait we're gonna tour with tokio hotel?" izzy asked, y/ns eyes widened a bit, she was excited, her and chloe shared a look before grinning brightly at each other.

"we already talked to their management about this and they agreed so they will be joining your for this tour, being an opening act, or performing at a different venue in the same city." their manager told the group, y/n tried hard to contain her excitement but she was still smiling brightly, happy about the fact she would get to go on tour with bill. Everyone nodded understanding what was going on.

"you guys will go on tour in a week so get ready cause it's not gonna be something you guys are used to." the manager told them, they all nodded knowing that this is the longest tour they've done, usually their tours are a month or two long but never 4 so they were kinda nervous. The manager dismissed the group after talking about other topics and the albums, explaining how the live album would released while they were touring so there wouldn't be a release party, and after what happens at last times release party.

"EEEEE IM SO EXCITED Y/N, ARE YOU?" chloe exclaimed to the singer as she shook her shoulders back and fourth, y/n smiled wildly back at her, excited she's gonna be on tour with the boy she likes.

"you think they know already ?" jordan asked as they all started to walk out the door to the studio, everyone else shrugs then look at y/n.

"what?" the singer asks.

"oh well mike told us you were with bill this moring, he said bill spent the night." chloe said teasingly and raising her brows a bit up and down, the singer shot the pianist a glare, before fake swinging on him and yelling how she's gonna beat his ass.

"oh please like you can." everyone have like a look knowing damm well y/n could, even mike knew she could beat his ass but he wasn't gonna admit it.

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