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3rd pov

    Y/n woke up that morning feel somewhat happy, the events that occurred that led up to where she was right now probably wasn't the best thing to happen to her but she was glad she had bill by her side and could talk to him, she looked up to see bill already awake looking at her.

"take a picture it'll last longer love." bill laughed at that causing y/n to as well.

"why would i need to if i already have you." he said back, she shrugged and snuggled into him closer.

"you don't have a show today?" y/n shook her head no into bills chest.

"interviews? photo shoots?" y/n shook her head no to that as well.

"we can sped the wholeeee day together if you want." y/n spoke into his chest, he sighed happy that they could just be in bed all day.

"let's just stay like this all day yeah ?"
y/n nodded and sighed as well.

The couple held each other in silence, not having much to talk about. Bill didn't wanna bring up last night or same with y/n.

"did you mean what you said yesterday n/n? about the getting married?" y/n smiled at that, even though bill couldn't see her smile.

"yes i meant it, i'd love to get married to you and then have a dog, or maybe a kid." y/n said as she looked up at him to see his reaction, his eyes widen a bit then softened as he smiled.

"i'd love that liebe."

"mhmm me too billy, me too." y/n said nodding.

"we're gonna have a big house not on the city but not too far and we're gonna have two kids, a boy and a girl, and a dog named pumba and then we'd have a whole bunch of fast cars we can race around all over the place, cause i love cars." y/n explained to bill as he ran his hand through her hair.

"can the dog be a pit bull." bill asked.

"AWW OMG YESS!" y/n said excitedly as she sat up.

"planning our whole future out right now for real." y/n said as she stood up and stretched.

"you know what i wanna get married on the beach in my pjs in a full face of make up, and then have like only my bands and yours be there for the ceremony." y/n explained to bill her plan as she went digging in the bag that had all her snacks from the liquor store.

"i'd like that love, as long as your there with me i'm fine with anything." bill said to y/n with a smile as she walked back over to the bed with her snacks for her and bill to share.

"let's watch a movie yeah?" Bill nodded and grabbed the remote, then turned on the tv flipping through what to watch.

"i'm sorry i didn't tell you what was going on chloe, just you know how i get, and i was drowning." y/n apologized to her best friend, chloe smiled softly at her best friend and pulled her in for a hug.

"you know i just didn't wanna burden anyone, you know i don't like too, just also last night really scared me cause of how i looked when i woke up you know, i hate how i get like this, just i'm sorry chloe." y/n spoke into chloe's shoulder as she felt her voice crack and tears well in her eyes.

"you don't have to be sorry n/n, you shouldn't feel sorry for feeling what your feeling. I'm sorry i couldn't be there to help you through it, i'm glad bill was there to help you this time, just next time please tell us if you need a break or anything, we'll cancel tomorrows show and give it a new date just so you have a day off, we can go see tokio hotel play tomorrow okay, how does that sound?" y/n nodded and wiped the few tears she had she'd during chloe's little speech.

"yeah i'd like that boo." y/n said with a smile.

800 words(i know i know this is short, next chapter is gonna be longer THEN ITS THE END 😭😭, thank you all again for the love AND THANK U FOR 2K votes WTH, i love you guys

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800 words
(i know i know this is short, next chapter is gonna be longer THEN ITS THE END 😭😭, thank you all again for the love AND THANK U FOR 2K votes WTH, i love you guys. I'm thinking of after i end this book, i might post like little random bonus chapters you know ? but thank u all again i love u all so much stay hydrated and healthy my loves ! 🤍🌷)
(p.s don't copy my stuff or i'll call you out on ur shit.)

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