Hellfire Club

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On the way to Eddies, the two listened to Led Zeppelin and Queen. Aurora was singing quietly to herself as she looked out the window of the passenger side, Eddie kept glancing at the girl a soft smile settling on his face as he saw she was feeling a bit better than she was 10 minutes beforehand. He hated to see the girl so sad, he just wanted to help and he was glad what he was doing seemed to be working.

As they pulled up Aurora looks out at the trailer and smiles, it reminds her slightly of the one her and Hopper used to live in together. Well, before he went on a riot to find a bug in the light. They got out the car and headed towards the trailer.

E- "It's not much, but its home"

A- "I love it, reminds me of my old home with Hop"

The boy gave a smile and grabbed the girls hand softly pulling her towards the door. When they walked in she saw the messy counter and the full sink that definitely needed cleaning, it didn't bother her though infact it brought comfort to her as Hopper used to be just as messy in the trailer that they lived in. A light noise of talking was coming from the TV and sat on the couch in front of it was Eddies uncle. Aurora and him had only met once on a brief encounter after detention. 

E- "Hey, some shit happened at school today and we were wondering if we could hang her for a few hours before we had back?"

W- "Yeah sure just make sure you get back to school before lunch. It's Aurora, right?"

A- "Uh, yes. It's nice to see you again Mr Munson"

W- "Please, call me Wayne. Eddies told me lots about you. You seem like a very lovely lady."

A- "Oh he has? Well thank you."

W- "Well I better get to work, I'm already 20 minutes late. Nice to see you again, Aurora."

A- "You can call m Rory, it's nice to see you again too."

W- "Okay, well I'll see you when I'm home tonight Eds, bye guys"

E&A - "Bye."

Wayne closes the door behind him, they hear a rumble of an engine and the sound of a car leaving. Rory looks over at Eddie and smiles, she begins to look around taking in the comfort that Eddies trailer seems to bring her. Eddie looks down at her necklace and notices the guitar pic hanging from the bottom.

E- "Do you play guitar?"

A- "Oh, yeah I do. Well, I used to I don't play much anymore to be honest"

E- "That's cool. I play guitar, don't know if you knew but I'm in a band with Garreth and that lot"

A- "Oh are you still called 'Corroded Coffin'?"

E- "Wait you remember that?"

A- "Of course I do you told me freshman year when we first met"

E- "Wow i just didn't think you would remember something like that. Anyway, do you wanna see my guitar? We can listen to some music in my room as well if you'd like"

A- "Yeah, sure. Sounds good."

They made their way into Eddies bedroom, clothes were thrown all over the place. Eddie gave a small apology and started collecting all the clothes from the floor, Rory didn't care though. Her eyes were glued to the guitar that rested on his wall and the multiple mixtapes on his desk. They had the same music taste, she blushed slightly, excited at the fact that they had something in common. All defence mechanisms she seemed to have put up to protect her from these feelings seemed to have come crashing down. 

Eddie started strumming on the guitar and asked her what her favourite song was, she sat down on the bed next to him as he began to play her request. She sung quietly next to him as she stared at him, his concentrated face calming her mind as it was the only thing she could focus on. When the song finally ended the two looked at each other with soft smiles placed upon their faces, what felt like minutes was merely seconds before Eddie began to speak.

Vecnas curse // Eddie Munson x OCWhere stories live. Discover now