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Eddie looks out through the window into Ricks house, the lights are now on. Jason and his friends were arguing while looking in every corner of each room, Jason looked out the window and spotted the boathouse. Eddie was getting more anxious seeing Jason looking towards the boathouse, he decided to try Dustin one more time.

E- "Dustin. Please. Are you there? Never mind."

Patrick was looking into one of the rooms when he heard a sudden chime of a clock, it was so loud it stopped him in his tracks. Before he had time to look for the source of the noise, Jason was dragging him towards the barn like building behind the house. They kicked open the door, seeing no one inside they started to look outside around the building. Looking out towards the lake, they spotted Eddie paddling across the lake in a boat.

J- "Hey freak! Where do you think you're going?"

E- "Shit."

Eddie tried to start the engine on the boat, it didn't seem to be working. Jason was in the water by now swimming towards the boat, Patrick not far behind him.


~Creel house~

The group entered the attic, the single lightbulb was flickering between dim and bright. Dustin's flashlight had turned on too, as the group circled around the lightbulb all of their flashlights began to shine brightly. 

S- "Okay, what's happening?"

The flashlights kept getting brighter, he was here. He wasn't moving from this spot, wait, why wasn't he moving from this spot?


~Back with Eddie~

Eddie was paddling with the oar although it wasn't taking him very far, Jason was just 2 metres behind the boat. Patrick was a few metres behind him, although, he had stopped? 

E- "Hey, stay back man, stay back! Stay back!"

J- "Hey, come on. We almost have him. Patrick!"

But Patrick wasn't swimming, he wasn't going anywhere, he was still and staring around the lake frightened. Then, he was gone, he had been pulled under the water forcefully. It was silent for a moment, the only sound being Jason calling out for his friend. Next thing they knew, Patricks body soared out from the water into the air where he hung. Eddie stumbled back in fear, falling of the boat into the lake.


One by one all of the flashlights started to burst. Steve's, Robin's, Nancy's, Dustin's, Max's, Lucas' and then Aurora's.


Eddie swam to the surface, there he began to watch as Patricks legs broke, then his arms, then his jaw and lastly his eyes were pulled into his head. He had watched it all happen again, Patricks limp body fell back into the water harshly and everything was quiet again. 


Vecnas curse // Eddie Munson x OCWhere stories live. Discover now