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The group where riding the bikes towards the trailer park, it was weird to be doing such a normal act but in such a creepy setting. When the arrived at Eddie's trailer, Eddie opened the door. The looked up at the ceiling seeing the gate in the exact spot Chrissy had died in, something seemed to be inside the gate. The gate broke open and a stick was seen moving throughout the hole that had now replaced the gate.

Walking closer to the hole, the group looked up seeing their younger friends in Eddie's trailer. They were upside down and it was weird to see them like that but it was also a huge relief to know they were finally getting out of here.


The group in the real world dropped a mattress down on to the floor of Eddie's trailer to create a cushion to land on. Dustin was tying together some sheets to throw through the hole in hopes to create a climbing rope. As Lucas and Max dropped the mattress onto the floor, Aurora turned her head slightly at a uncomfortable Eddie.

E- "Those stains are, um, I don't know what those stains are."

Aurora giggled slightly at the boy's comment, Dustin threw the sheets through the hole and as it came down in front of them, Dustin let go of it. It hung there on it's own and Dustin told Robin to pull on it, when it didn't move with her weight Robin started climbing. She landed on the mattress harshly claiming it too be fun. Aurora told Eddie to go next, wanting him out of here as quickly as possible.

He landed exactly the same way Robin had with a smile on his face, glad to be out of the upside down. Nancy was next, then it was Aurora. As Aurora made her way through the hole, she fell down expecting to hit the mattress but instead she kept falling until she landed on a concrete floor. She stood up and began to look around, she noticed a tank on the far side wall, it had cracks through it and was empty. She looked behind her and saw a massive gate, it was the original gate that caused all this mayhem, the gate El had opened. Why was she here? Why isn't she at the trailer?


S- "Aurora! Hey! Hey! Rory!"

Aurora was stood still, her eyes completely white with an expressionless face. Steve was shaking her trying to get her to wake back up but nothing seemed to be working. The group on the real world looked up through the whole to see a panicked Steve trying to wake up his bestfriend. Eddie looked terrified as his watched Aurora's emotionless face, the group started running around looking for music to play for the girl that could wake her up.

Aurora kept looking around the room, she saw someone dressed up in a yellow hazmat suit laying motionless on the ground. She tried to run from the room, pushing open the nearby doors as the room started to fill up with a dark substance that resembled something a lot like blood. She pushed open the doors and was now standing at the top of some stairs, looking around she noticed she was in Max's drawing.

V- "I see you've been looking for me. You were so close. So close to the truth. I've been meaning to check in with you, but I've been busy."

As they voice rung out Aurora looked up at some vines that seemed to be tangled around a person, she recognised the person as Fred, Nancy's assistant. His bones were broken in all different directions and he was constricted by the vines, Aurora turned away from the boy in disgust. Only to turn to another body, this body was Chrissy. Aurora's eyes filled with tears as she looked up at the girl, the way her eyes were pulled in to her head was horrific to see. 

She turned around again and took notice of the stained glass window that belonged to the Creel home, suddenly she was inside the house. Instead of the rotten and broken floorboards, the house was clean and very nicely laid out. The door opened and a man walked in, followed by a woman and two young children. 

She watched the young girl run up the stairs looking around in amazement at her new home, Aurora turned back to the family at the door and noticed a young boy who looked rather lonely and sad. He looked broken, depressed, his family didn't seem to take much notice of the boys demeanour.

Following the boy around the house, she saw him open a vent in the bathroom. He put his hand in and brought out a black widow spider. Someone ran behind Aurora, she turned and followed him, the boy was slightly older now. He was in the attic, light up with candles and surrounded by jars of spiders. He was drawing pictures of the spiders he had captured, in such detail you could see every spike and every mark on the body.

Another memory flashed and she was now stood with the boy, at the bottom of the stairs in front of the grandfather clock. He stared into the clock, yet again looking fascinated. He closed his eyes as if concentrating on a thought, as he did this the clocks arms seemed to move backwards at a very fast pace. Aurora looked on in shock at the boy, hearing a noise behind her she spun around.

She was now outside looking down at an innocent little bunny who seemed to be squealing out in pain. The boy came up behind the bunny and put his hand over their body, its bones began to crack and it was shrieking in pain. She ran into the house away from the boy, the father was sat in the armchair of the sitting room staring into the fireplace that was lit and seemed to have a small crib inside it, rocking back and forth. 

They were now sat at the dinner table, the radio was going static. The boy closed his eyes again, the lights flickered and the boys mother flew up into the air. Bones cracked and eyes were pulled inwards, she fell flat onto the table as the boy wiped his bloody nose clean. Aurora looked in horror at the young boy that just took his mothers life. 

The father picked the boy up, they were at the front door now the father seemed to be stood still staring at the door. Their young daughter was lying flat on the floor, her limbs snapped and bent in awful ways. The boy closed his eyes again but as he tried to concentrate he fell to the floor. 


Vecnas curse // Eddie Munson x OCWhere stories live. Discover now