Creel house.

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~back at Ricks house~

Eddie was looking through the cupboards at Ricks house for some food or drinks as his supplies had run quite thin. He came across some spaghetti hoops and while it wasn't the most nutritious of dinners, its the best he as gonna get. After cooking them, he made his way towards his radio.

E- "Hey Dustin, this is Eddie the Banished. You there?"


Back at the wheelers basement, Aurora was awoken by the sound of Eddie's voice. She launched herself up into a sitting position before looking towards Dustin's radio, Eddie was desperately trying to get the boys attention. Rory looked over towards the couch, there was her brother face planted into the pillow and drooling. Rolling her eyes, she picked up the radio.

E- "Earth to Dustin."

A- "Hey, it's Rory."

E- "Rory! Thank god, you're okay. I'm gonna need a food delivery, like, really soon, unless you want me going out into the world."

A- "No. No. Don't do that. Stay where you are, we'll be there soon."

E- "Yeah, okay. Listen, can you pick me up a six pack? I know its stupid as shit, drinking right now, but a cold beer would really calm my jangled nerves."

A- "Yeah, that's fine. Listen, I need to go. I'll see you soon."

E- "No. Aurora, don't you dar-Rory? Aurora?"

Aurora had looked towards where Max was sleeping and noticed the missing presence of said girl. Crouching down in front of her brother she tried to gently shake him awake, when that didn't work she began 'lightly' slapping his cheek repeatedly.

A- "Where's Max?"

D- "Right there..."

He pointed to the place Rory had just been looking.

D- "A second ago. I swear I literally just dozed of... an hour ago"

The pair started to make their way up the stairs when they were at the top they spotted Max in the kitchen, drawing next to Nancy's little sister 'Holly'. The two let out a sigh of relief, Rory said good morning to Mr and Mrs Wheeler before sitting down next to Max. Dustin stayed stood engaging in a particularly sarcastic conversation with Mr Wheeler. 

Looking down at Max's drawing she noticed they were all bright red with some darker outlined shapes throughout the pages, the red crayon in Max's hand was barely visible considering how much it had been used that morning. Aurora looked up at Max, when they made eye contact the younger girl gave a small smile and removed her headphones.

A- "You okay?"

M- "Just couldn't sleep. People kept blasting music in my ears, for some reason. But Holly let me borrow some of her crayons. We've been having fun, right, Holly?"

H- "Mhm"

A- "Is this what you saw last night?"

M- "It's supposed to be. I thought it'd be easier to draw it rather than explain it."

A- "I get that."

The two began discussing Vecna and what this place was, as they were looking through the drawings Aurora made some connections and began put the pieces of paper next to each other. It was like figuring out a puzzle, find the pieces that match and put them together. By the time she was done the picture displayed the structure of a house, outline the shapes with a sharper it became clear that it was a house. Nancy was stood behind Aurora now, she looked to the side of the picture and saw the stained glass window drawing. She picked it up and looked closer, it was familiar...

M- "It's a house."

N- "It's not just any house. It's Victor Creel's house."


Looking up at the Creel house was scarier to Rory than she thought it would be, who knows what's inside, it could be a massive gate or Vecna himself for all they know. Nancy and Steve were taking screws out of the board on the door before dropping it onto the floor. Steve went to open the door but it was locked, Robin had a better idea than Steve's lousy attempt.

S- "Its locked. Should I knock, see if anyone's in?"

R- "No need. I've got a better idea."

She launched the brick through the window of the door, glass fell everywhere around them. Steve opened the door from the inside and let them all in, the house was dark and and had a really creepy feeling about it. Maybe it was because every possession was still in the home and hadn't been touched, making it seem like the entirety of Hawkins was too scared by what happened to ever come into this house again. 

M- "Hey, guys? You all see that, right?"

D&S- "Yeah."

A- "Is this what you saw? In your visions?"

R- "I mean it's just a clock, right?"

S- "Why is this wizard obsessed with clocks? Maybe he's like a clockmaker, or something?"

D- "Think you cracked the case, Steve."

N- "The answers are here. Somewhere. Everyone stay in groups, search."


~Back at the boathouse~

Eddie was sat throwing pebbles into an empty can when he heard a vehicle approaching, ducking under the window he glanced out at the car. Outside stood Jason and his two 'sheep', they were heading into the main house with crowbars and bats. 

E- "Shit. Shit. Shit."

Jason had noticed that there was a pan left on the stove, as he walked closer he reached out to it. It looked recent, Rick had been put away months ago, the sauce in the pan would have been rotted by now. 'It's him' he called out.

E- "Hey, Dustin. You there? It's Eddie, you remember me? If anyone's there, I really think I might be in a bit of trouble here. Okay? Rory? Wheeler? Anybody?!"

S- "Hey, Henderson?"

D&A- "Yeah?"

S- "I meant Dustin."

D- "Yeah?"

S- "Could you maybe, uh, clarify what sort of clues we're meant to be looking for?"

D- *british accent* "The world is full of obvious things which nobody by any chance ever observes"

A- "What?"

D- "Sherlock Holmes."

S- "That's great. Thanks. That's great. Really helpful"

Rory rolled her eyes and watched her brother walk away. Robin came into the room she was standing in, the two of them secretly listening in to the conversation between Steve and Nancy. Glancing at each other with disappointment when Steve tries to quote the Sherlock Holmes saying Dustin had just said, failing terribly before walking away. 


The group stood staring up at the chandelier that was glitching, the same way they did with Christmas lights when Will was missing. It suddenly stopped, the group were frightened that maybe Vecna can hear or even see them. Max put her headphones back on, the group spread out and turned off their flashlights per Nancy's command. 

R- "I got him!"

The group ran towards her and just as they got there they watched her flashlight slowly turn off, Steve's turned on next. They followed the flashlight, it took them upstairs before it stopped again. Max noticed a light shining under the attic door, they headed up the stairs, Dustin complaining about it being a trap before following.

Vecnas curse // Eddie Munson x OCWhere stories live. Discover now