Chrissy Cunningham

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TW: Mentions of mental health conditions.

There was Chrissy arms and legs spread out in a starfish like fashion spread across the ceiling as if she was floating, she looked as if there was no soul left inside her body. It was as if all the thoughts and feelings had been sucked out of her mind, Eddie was there laying on his back screaming with the largest look of terror on his face. Rory couldn't scream or speak, she just stood there frozen staring up at Chrissy. She didn't know what to do, there was nothing she could do. So there she stood, staring blankly.

Before she knew what was happening someone was grabbing her by the shoulders trying to pull her away from the trailer that now contained what was once known as the prettiest girl of Hawkins except now she was a limp pile of broken bones and blood. Eddie tried to pull the girl towards his van in an attempt to escape whatever it was that had killed Chrissy, except Rory wouldn't move. Its not that she wouldn't, more like she couldn't. Her body was so stiff, feet planted firmly on the ground, eyes as wide as golf balls staring into the trailer with a horrified stare.

E- "Rory! Come on! Aurora!"

But the girl didn't move, fighting against his emotions to grab the girl and bring her with him he got into his van and began to drive away, looking back through the mirror at the unmoving girl. The look in her eyes was so distant it was like the look Chrissy had when he first came out of his room, he couldn't wait there to see if the one girl he truly cares about was destined for the same fate as Chrissy. He had to hide. 

Rory must have stood in that spot staring at the ground of dirt under her shoes for an hour or so before a car snapped her out of her thoughts, she looked back up at the now closed door of Eddies trailer. Her mind blank, emotions numb. She turned on her heel and started walking through the pitch black.

When she arrived home, she opened the front door where she was greeted by her mother. The girl couldn't respond, couldn't even muster up a smile for her dear mom, she just kept on walking till she made it to her bedroom where she laid on her bed staring at the ceiling with a distant look. One might describe this look as PTSD or a shell shocked look, she was there but she wasn't there at the same time. 

She doesn't remember when she fell asleep or how long she was truly asleep for, she just remembers waking up in the same clothes she had worn to school. That morning she went in the shower hoping it was all just another horrific dream, she washed her body clean of the nightmares of her mind. Heading out to the kitchen she was greeted once again by her mother, she gave her a tight-lipped smile and continued towards the fridge. 

D- "Oi Rory come see this!"

She headed over towards the couch where her brother, Dustin, sat staring intently at the TV where the news was playing. Her mom sat down next to Dustin while Rory sat in the armchair next to the duo, the news reporter on the TV began speaking about a body that was recovered at a nearby trailer park. Staring at the TV in disbelief, Rory finally realised it wasn't a nightmare after all. 

NR- "We'll be here the rest of the day right here on channel nine, where we'll keep you posted on all the latest developments. In the meantime, we recommend you keep your doors and windows locked tight.."

Their mom began to kiss the cat and curl up into herself, the news of yet another tragic loss to the community was scaring the single mom, scared she wouldn't be able to protect her children from this new unknown monster of a killer. The doorbell rings, snapping Rory once again out of her silent gaze, Max was at the door looking worriedly at Dustin and glancing slightly over at Rory. The duo made their way to Dustin's room in silence.

D- "Chrissy Cunningham?  You're sure it was Chrissy?"

M- "Yes, she was in her cheerleader outfit. Same thing she was in when I saw her with Eddie and Rory."

D- "Did you tell all this to the cops?"

M- "No... but I can't be the only one who noticed them ok? Chrissy looks completely different from your sister and Eddie. She stands out."

D- "Eddie the freak and Rory with Chrissy the cheerleader?"

E- "His names not in the news but I guarantee Eddies suspect number 1 right now"

D- "That's crazy! Eddie didn't do this. No way."

M- "Well we cant rule it out."

D- "Yes, we can."

M- "Dustin!"

A- "It wasn't him."

A small voice just slightly above a whisper had interrupted the conversation, the duo didn't even realise she had opened the door they were arguing so loudly. They looked at her, saw the tears running down her face, before either of them could say anything to her she took a deep breath in, stared at the ground with her distant look once more and left the room. Max and Dustin looked at each other with shocked but confused looks, Max assumed that the girl had witnessed Eddie murdering the girl but didn't know what to do, Dustin didn't even know why his sister would say it wasn't him. Going off his gut instinct he assumed it was because she knew him the longest.

D- "Exactly! You don't know him like we do...."

As the two began to argue, Rory had laid down on her bed wondering where Eddie had gone. She knew he had ran, she just didn't know where. This thought began to consume her mind, replacing the images of Chrissy. He doesn't understand, he doesn't know what is happening. She got up from her bed immediately, running to her brothers room, before she could even open the door Dustin was in front of her. They nodded at each other, neither of them had to say anything to know what they were doing. They need to find him, they need to know.

Vecnas curse // Eddie Munson x OCWhere stories live. Discover now