Phase Three

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R- "She's in. Move on to phase three."

D- "Copy that. Initiating phase three."

A- "Eddie! You ready? You okay?"

E- "I'm okay, baby. Let's do this."

Dustin turned the amp up as loud as it could go as Eddie began strumming the chords playing the song he loved most 'Masters of Puppets' by Metallica. He announced his tribute to Chrissy, making Aurora smile a sad smile. Watching her boyfriend closely she kept an eye on him while her brother looked out for oncoming bats.

D- "Eddie! We got a lock down in T-Minus 30 seconds"

Looking out you could see the bats get closer everytime a red lightning bolt struck through the air, Rorys heart beat with anxiety at the sound of the guitar and her brother scream over the bats screeching. As Eddie hit his last chord the three of them jumped off the roof onto the replica of Waynes truck running in to the trailer slamming the gate behind them and then the door.

A- "Most metal ever!"

The three teens jumped up and down in excitement and joy a moment that rarely occurs in these situations but was highly appreciated by all three of them. They could hear the bats fighting to get their way into the trailer and attack the intruders of their home. Aurora felt overly protective of her brother and boyfriend at that moment as they continued to celebrate.

She suddenly felt a flashback come. She heard the sirens, the blue and red lights fading into her vision as her mind took over. She was back there. Sat next to El, cuddling her close as she was overwhelmed by everything that had happened that night. The tragic 'Mall fire' of Hawkins. She saw Joyce hugging Will and stepped closer ready to run towards the man who she now happily calls her 'foster father' even though he may not legally be so. She made eye contact with Joyce and although no words were shared she knew what that look meant, she had seen it all before. He's gone. The ringing in her head came back and she turned to see her boyfriend faintly saying her name but when she looked away all she saw were flashes of imagines throughout her mind.

White wall.






The screeching is what brought her back to reality as she realised the screeching was closer than before. The bats. They were getting worse. There were more. Hundreds more.

Vecnas curse // Eddie Munson x OCWhere stories live. Discover now