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Eddie grabbed the bike on the ground, pedalling as hard as he could away from the trailer. Aurora looked around at the trailer to find something, she needed to get to him and fast.


As Max stacked the chairs infront of the door it suddenly changed into the Creel house front door, the one that haunts her nightmares. She closed her eyes, looking through all her memories for one to hide in that felt safe. Suddenly, her thoughts were swarmed with images of her friends screaming, fighting for their lives and crying. When she opened her eyes again, she was still in that haunting hall, Vecna stood infront of her. Flinging her back against a wall, he restrained her. Getting closer to her, Vecna raised his hand towards her face, her head feeling like it was going to explode from the headache this caused her.

Suddenly, that force was gone and she fell to the floor, looking up Vecna was suspended in the air. Eleven walked into the room her hand raised to him and blood dripping from her nose. Her hair was shaved and she looked completely different. She threw Vecna across the room into the bleachers where he stayed.


Aurora picked up a chair and placed it on the floor beneath the gate, she looked towards her brother and he nodded, intertwining his fingers and created a foot rest to help his sister through. She stood ontop of the chair, placed one foot in his hand and on the count of the jumped and grabbed the edges of the gate, slowly pulling herself through. 'I guess cheerleading does help in some ways' she thought. She quickly flipped and landed on her feet standing up and letting out the breath she had been holding. She picked up whatever weapons she could that were scattered on the floor and made her way out the door.

Looking ahead, she saw Eddie on a bike, screaming at the bats to come get him. She shouted his name but to no avail, the boy didn't hear. She ran as fast as she could towards him, watching him as he fell off the bike. He began running when suddenly he stopped and turned around. Grabbing his sheild and his spear he faces the bats as they swarmed him trying at every chance they could to get to him.

Vecnas curse // Eddie Munson x OCWhere stories live. Discover now