Ms. Kelley

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Max had just made her way into Ms. Kelley's home. Dustin, Steve and Rory were waiting in the car, meanwhile the boys started talking about Nancy. Aurora rolled her eyes not really caring to talk about the past relationship Steve cannot seem to get over, instead she closed her eyes and started to fall asleep. She hadn't slept properly in almost 2 days now, deciding to let her get some rest the boys started to speak in hushed tones. 

Rory was awoken suddenly when Max threw open the the car door, she didn't know how much sleep she had gotten it couldn't have been more than 20 minutes but it had seemed to wake her up quite a bit as she wasn't feeling as drowsy as she was before and her eyes looked less dark.

D- "What'd she say?"

M- "Nothing, just drive."

S- "Nothing?"



Lucas' voice came over the radio, he was talking about Eddie and how he killed Chrissy. It angered Rory that the boy was so out of the group now a days he didn't even know what was going on. After Max said something to him, he tried to explain that he can't meet us because something is about to go down. When we tried to ask more questions the radio went silent again.


Once they were in the school, they began making their way to Ms. Kelley's office when the radio went off again. Rory expected to hear Lucas' voice come out of the radio to explain whatever the hell he was talking about earlier but wasn't very surprised when Robin's voice came through instead.

R- "Dustin, do you copy?"

D- "Yeah, I copy"

R- "So, Nancy's a genius. Vecna's first victims date back all the way to 1959. Her shot in the dark was a bulls-eye."

D- "Okay, thats totally bonkers, but I can't really talk right now."

R- "Wait, what are you doing?"

D- "Breaking and entering into school to retrieve confidential and extremely personal files."

R- "Can you repeat that?"

D- "Just get your ass over here, stat. We'll explain everything."

Once inside the office, Max and Rory started looking through the files. They found out that Fred was also seeing the counsellor too, they realised the similarity between Fred and Chrissy. While looking through Fred's file she noticed some rather weird symptoms that seemed to connect with the symptoms Chrissy was having. While they were looking through these files she could have sworn Max had been complaining of having similar symptoms recently, she was probably just overthinking it. Aurora sees Ms Kelley but hasn't had these symptoms so it can't be all of them? Right? 


When Rory looked up from Fred's file to ask if Chrissy had been having nosebleeds as well, Max didn't seem to be paying attention to anything around her. She had that distant look that Eddie had described and she was acting differently just like Nancy had said. 

Vecnas curse // Eddie Munson x OCWhere stories live. Discover now