Phase Four

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Steve opened the door to the Creel house, looking down there was vines all over the floor, he began to jump over the vines carefully as to not trip and let Vecna know where they were. Robin was nervous, she wasn't the most elegant bird in the sky. Nancy convinced her to go and she began following in Steve's footprints.


Max was sat in the empty hall, listening to the song 'Every breath you take' by the Police, the song she danced to with Lucas at the Snowball. The first time the group had their first fun memory together. However, she couldn't reminice for long when a balloon popped behind her and blood exploded from the balloon, suddenly alll the balloons around her began to explode with blood and the music slowed, turning into another song, 'Dream a little dream of me'. He was here. He intruded her thoughts yet again

As the banner and tinsel began to fall to the floor into vines, the flowers began to die and the hall turned dark and cold. Thunder crackled through the air as loud as a grenade.


On the Home side of the universe, Lucas tried to signal Erica but got no response. He heard the door open and then Jason approached him up the stairs, getting closer to Max. When Lucas tried to intervene Jason pulled out his gun and pointed the gun at Lucas, ordering him to turn around and empty his pockets. He demanded Lucas wake Max up from the trance she was in but Lucas tried to explain that if he does then everybody dies. Jason ignored Lucas, taking the safety off of his gun and threaten his life if he doesn't get Max out of the trance.


Aurora, Dustin and Eddie stood back to back with each other in a circle turning around slowly as the bats got quieter, Dustin shouting out at them until he got yelled at by the older two to shut up. The bats made their way to the roof, suddenly a bat was seen through the vent in the roof and the trio began stabbing at it with their spears screaming at it to die.


Steve's group slowly made it's way up the stairs avoiding the vines at all costs. They arrived at the attic door when a tremor in the ground almost caused them to lose balance. They clung onto each other until it went away, sighing in relief when it ended. Robin looked down at the vine that tangled it's way around her ankle, pulling her against the wall and restraining her by her legs, neck and arms. The vines began capturing them one by one, entangling them against the wall and suffocating them.


Eddie grabbed his make shift sheild and stabbed it into the roof to cover the vent. Before suddenly realising there was another vent in his bedroom, the trio ran towards the room but were too late as loads of bats swarmed into the room. Closing the door behind them they ran towards the gate, one by one deciding to go through. Dustin first, then Aurora. Finally, Eddie.

He made it half way up the rope as Rory and Dustin screamed for him to come through, he jumped back down, looking up at the two through the gate. He cut the rope and moved the mattress, all while Dustin and Rory screamed for him. Tears streamed down her face as she watched him, she knew he felt bad for running away from Chrissy and that he felt the need to avenge her but this was not the way. Aurora didn't want this. Chrissy wouldn't want this.

A- "Eddie! Eddie, please! Please, baby, please!"

E- "I love you."

And with that he was gone, he ran away from the gate.

Vecnas curse // Eddie Munson x OCWhere stories live. Discover now