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The group now including Nancy and Robin again were stood behind Max, staring at what seemed to be blank wall.

M- "It was here. Right here."

N- "A grandfather clock?"

M- "It was real."

It was clear that Max was terrified right now, what the group failed to see was Rory's horrified look as she realised her suspicions might have been true. This was obvious considering the fact Max hadn't left her seat when she saw the grandfather clock, in fact she snapped out of it as if she was waking up from a nightmare. She had the same look on her face that Chrissy had in the woods when she was looking at that tree as if it was the scariest thing on earth. 

M- "Fred and Chrissy, they both came to Miss Kelley for help. They both were having headaches, that just wouldn't go away. Then the nightmares. Trouble sleeping. Then they started seeing things. Bad things. From their past, and these visions they kept getting worse and worse. Until, eventually they ended."

A- "Vecnas curse."

M- "Chrissy's headaches started a week ago. Fred's, six days ago. I've been having them for five days. I don't know how long I have, all I know is that Fred and Chrissy both died less than 24 hours after their first vision. And I just saw that goddamn clock, so...looks like I'm gonna die tomorrow."

A noise was hear from outside the office they were now stood in, interrupting yet another conversation. Steve tells everyone to stay put, grabbing a lamp and leaving the room. Rory and Robin look at each as if to say 'is he stupid?' before following the Harrington boy out the room. As they heard fast paced footsteps coming towards them they all stood there defensively ready to pounce at whoever came round the corner. As Steve let out a growl sort of noise lifting up his weapon of choice, Lucas comes round the corner with his hands up and panting.

A- "What the hell, Sinclair?!"

L- "Give me a second. Shit. I just rode 8 miles to get here. We've got a code red."

Lucas began ranting about how Jason and his 'friends' were looking for Eddie and the group and warning them about the danger their in. Dismissing the so called 'threat', the Henderson siblings look back at Max knowing that she is their biggest priority right now.


The group were now sat in the famous Wheeler basement, reading an article Nancy had found on Victor Creel. Dustin and Steve started one of their pointless arguments about facts and theory's, Rory ignored them as her attention remained on Max. She had been silent since they left the school, now she was sat at the desk in the far corner of the basement frantically writing on multiple pieces of paper.

D- "Any idea what she's writing? Did she sleep?"

A- "I mean, would you?"

The door at the top of the stairs flung open and two sets of footsteps came running down the stairs, Nancy and Robin came into view holding two folders in their hands with names scribbled across the front. The two girls explained how they were basically fake ID's of two psychology students named 'Ruth' and 'Rose'. 

They explained their plan to get to Victor Creel through the director and hopefully get to speak to him, they needed to know how this started. Victor was the only known survivor, they need to hear what he saw on that day. Looking back over at Max, Rory's eyes begin to fill up with tears. The poor girl couldn't catch a break, first her brother, now this? It doesn't seem fair.


Max came over to the group holding multiple envelopes, the boys tried not to make eye contact after already being told off about the staring. Rory didn't care, the girl was in danger, she would stare for as long as she likes. The boys now looked at Max who was standing directly in front of the boys and Rory. She started giving each of them an envelope, as Dustin went to open his Max reacted quickly.

M- "Woah, what are you doing? Those aren't for now don't open them now."

D- "No? Oh, ok."

A- "I'm sorry. What is this?"

M- "Its, uh, its a fail-safe. For after if they don't work out."

L- "Woah, Max. Its gonna work out."

M- "No. I don't need you to tell me that its gonna work out because people have been telling me that my entire life and it's almost never true. I mean, of course this asshole curses me. Should've seen that one coming."

Max decided that she needed to leave the basement, Steve was reluctant to let her leave as he didn't want to risk it anymore. She was determined to go where she wanted to go. Rory, Dustin and Lucas got in the car knowing very well Max would push Steve to the point that he just agreed. Eventually, Steve grumpily slammed the door behind once he was sat in the drivers seat, Aurora smirked slightly to hold back the laugh she desperately wanted to let out at the boy.


Arriving at the trailer park, Max made her way into her trailer promising to come back quickly. Rory started thinking about Eddie while she waited for Max, maybe they should go check on him soon. She understands that Max is a priority but Eddie is also in danger considering people are starting to hunt the boy down, who knows what they are going to do to him if they find him.

Max came round the corner looking quite shaken up, ignoring her friends concerns she requested to leave immediately. Deciding not to ask anymore questions, Steve pulled away from the trailer and drove away quickly.


Vecnas curse // Eddie Munson x OCWhere stories live. Discover now