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The sun was beginning to sat as the group sat around the RV. Erica and Robin sat on the seats behind the drivers seat where Steve and Nancy were seated up the front. Max and Lucas sat opposite each other at the small table by the door, Max had her headphones in listening to Kate Bush while Lucas sat across from her, hands intertwined, staring at her like she was the omly thing left in the world. Aurora watched the two as she sat at the back next to Eddie who was in the middle of her and Dustin, she felt bad for Lucas and worried for Max. Although, she knew this is what needed to be done if they wanted to finish this once and for all. Eddies ring covered hands tightened around his make shift spear, Aurora placed her hand gently over his in a way to calm his nerves, knowing nothing could possibly do that as this time.

The RV was silent and tense as they pulled up to their first stop, The Creel House. Erica, Max and Lucas stepped out walking up to the porch of the house as the group watched them descend before pulling off in the van to arrive at their next stop. Aurora watched with a pained heart as these young kids went into this house, risking their lives for town that had it out for them.

Vecnas curse // Eddie Munson x OCWhere stories live. Discover now