The War Zone

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A/N - So sorry for the delay. I have been back at college and figuring out my schedule again. I'm going to try my hardest to get this book finished and hopefully start up a new one.

The group were gathered around the table in Max's trailer as Eddie slammed down a magazine to show the group. Inside the magazine was an advertisement for 'The War Zone' a shop where they have every weapon you need for 'Killing things' as Eddie puts it. After long discussion the group decided to go, however they needed transport and disguise for Eddie.

Eds- "Hey, Red. you got a ski mask or a bandana?"

Eddie, now disguised as Micheal Myers, opened the window to the van and began hot wiring it. The owners began screaming and banging on the door as Steve took over driving. Eddie began head banging to the song that came from the radio while Rory felt the need to slap him around the back of the head to get him to be serious again.


Eddie sat down next to Rory and threw his arm around her shoulders, since coming out of her trance she has been very tense. Her shoulders were tensed up near her ears and she fiddled with her fingers, a nervous habit Eddie picked up on not long after knowing the girl. He slipped his hand into hers to stop her from picking off all the skin around her nails and instead get her to begin playing with his fingers, no words needed to be spoken between the two for them to know that they were there for each other.


Pulling up into the busy parking lot of 'The War Zone' they decided to separate into 2 groups, one to watch Eddie and the other to grab supplies. Aurora, Nancy, Steve, Robin, Erica and Max went into the shop, a bigger group meant shorter time in there. They needed to be fast considering how many 'Angry Hicks' there were in the shop.

Nancy and Rory went up to the cashier as Nancy was looking at a shotgun, next to them they heard the voice they dreaded to hear. Jason.

J- "Rory Henderson and Nancy Wheeler. Wouldn't expect to find you here."

A- "Yeah, well it's just... scary times"

N- "I'm sorry about Chrissy."

J- "Want my advice? Shotguns are not good for much of anything past killing small birds. They got power, sure, but not much range. That's just gonna force you into close-range combat, then someone can just grab that barrel like this... and redirect it."

He got closer to the two girls as he spoke and grabbed the barrel of the shotgun aggressively as he spoke, ignoring Nancy and keeping eye contact with Rory the entire time he spoke. Rory looked off to the side spotting Erica, causing Jason to avert his gaze to the young girl too as she tried to scurry away from the scene.

J- "You two look nervous."

N- "Like Aurora said... Scary times"


D- "What the hell is taking them so long?"

The door swung open as the group swarmed into the van in a panicked state. Aurora flung herself next to Eddie and clung onto him in fear, Jason has always been the girls biggest weakness when it came to being scared, sure she's fought creatures from a different dimension but going face to face with the worst jock in Hawkins is far more terrifying to her. Steve pulled out of the parking spot and sped off as quick as he could shouting at Dustin to sit down. Looking out the window slightly she spotted Jason staring back at her.

Vecnas curse // Eddie Munson x OCWhere stories live. Discover now