Skull Rock.

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Eddie hid behind a truck at a construction site. Watching one of the workers drop his radio on a pile of wood blocks before going into the portable toilet, he shuffled towards the radio. After picking it up, he took off into the woods.


Back in Nancy's car the group were heading towards the boathouse. Aurora was excited to see Eddie, she hasn't felt safe these past two days, being with him will help. The part she wasn't looking forward to was telling him the bad news.

R- "Not to be a wimp but can I maybe sit in the car for this visit? 'Cause this is gonna totally and royally."

N- "It'll be fine."

R- "I just can't stand to see those doe eyes of Eddie's break again. I really, really can't."

S- "At least he can drink himself to death."

M- "That's what my mom does."

R- "Maybe we can give it a trial run this time."

A- "What you mean like this? 'Hey Eddie. Uh, good news first this time. We got you some Rory-approved junk food and that six-pack you requested. Oh yeah, and we found Vecna. Only the bad news is that he's in that other, darker, much scarier dimension, and the gates closed, so there's no way of getting to him. So basically, you're screwed.' "

L- "Maybe we don't put it like that."

A- "Ya think?"

N- "We're one step closer to finding Vecna. That's what we say. That's what's important."

S- "See, Rory? Positive spin can make all the difference."

A- "Uh-huh"

N- "Oh shit."

As they pulled up to Rick's house there was a crowd of people surrounding it, including police and news reporters. They held up a picture of Eddie, naming him their number one suspect. Rory felt like all the oxygen had escaped her lungs, she couldn't breathe. The officer was asking everyone to look out for Eddie and report him if you see him. Rory turned away from the crowd and her friends, she couldn't breathe. She tried to take deep breaths in but nothing seemed to work, her chest was hurting, her hands were shaking and her whole body felt weak. She fell down into a seated position against the car gasping for air. 

The group looked down at her, none of them knew what to do to help. Robin sat down in front of the girl and asked to hold her hands, she sat there with the girl for a while before Dustin's radio went off. Rory's breathing was still staggered and her chest was still tight but hearing Eddie's voice calmed her mind a tiny bit. 

E- "Dustin? Rory? Can you hear me?"

D- "Eddie, holy shit. Are you okay?"

E- "Nah, man. Pretty goddamn far from okay."

Aurora snatched the radio from Dustin and tried to steady her voice as much as she could.

A- "Eddie, where are you?"

E- "Skull Rock. Remember it? We came here for a smoke once."

A- "Yeah, yeah. I remember. I'm coming, okay?"


 Hearing Aurora's voice had calmed Eddie down so much, although he could hear the struggle in her tone. It was the same struggle she has in her voice after one of her panic attacks. Knowing they had found out what happened at the boathouse, she had probably assumed the worst and scared herself into one. Eddie was one of the only people who had seen the girl have one of her panic attacks, she's usually good at hiding them but with Eddie she felt safe around him. 

Vecnas curse // Eddie Munson x OCWhere stories live. Discover now