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While the others had gone to get supplies for Eddie, Rory stayed back at the boathouse with him. She had her radio with her in case anyone came by and they needed assistance. The two of them were sitting in the boat opposite each other, neither had said much other than the occasional question about how they found him, when the group would be back and checking in with one another. It wasn't an uncomfortable silence between them, in fact the silence was comforting to the both of them. They knew they were there for each other even if Eddie was sat there playing an air guitar and humming while Rory continued to draw in the sketchbook that intrigued Eddie so much.

E- "What are you drawing?"

A- "Something."

E- "Wow, majestic."

A- "Oh, shut up. I'm not telling."

E- "Why not?"

A- "Because it's a secret."

E- "You seem to have a few secrets. You know other dimension, monsters, magic of sorts. You probably have more secrets than that."

A- "Yes, I do. And i'll tell you when i think it's necessary, some secrets might scare people."

E- "You couldn't scare.."

Before Eddie could finish he was cut off by the sound of a car pulling up to Ricks house. He quickly pulled Rory down, leant over her slightly and pulled the tarp over the both of them. When the sound of the car went away they both got up, Eddie looked out the window, blocking Rory from sight in case it was the cops. The door beside them slammed open making the both of them jump backwards, Rory hit a table that had a glass bottle on it, she picked it up and lifted it ready to swing at whoever came through the door.

D- "Delivery service."



D- "So we got some good news and some bad news. How do you prefer it?"

E&A- "Bad news first, always."

D- "We tapped into the Hawkins PD dispatch with our Cerebro and they're pretty convinced you killed Chrissy."

E- "And the good news?"

R- "Your name hasn't gone public yet. But if we found out about you, its only a matter of time before others do to. And once that's out everyone and their shallow minded mother is gonna be gunning for you."

E- "Hunt the freak, right?"

The group began explaining to Eddie about what they have dealt with in the past, he was shocked by what he was hearing. Dustin, Mike and Lucas, his little sheep, had faced a 'demogorgon' with just a slingshot. Aurora, the quiet girl he met freshman year, faced a mass of demodogs with Hopper and this girl called Eleven who had superpowers. After hearing all of this Eddie didn't know what to say he still felt like part of the story was missing but maybe that was just because this was thrown at him very suddenly. He didn't have time to think about that as sirens were heard nearby.

A- "Tarp, now."


Rory decided to go with the group to find Nancy after giving Eddie strict instructions to stay where he was and if he hears the slightest noise, he hides. When they found Nancy she was stood being questioned by the Hawkins police, she seemed upset and frustrated. When she noticed who had pulled up behind the cops she seemed extremely relieved, a part of her knew this couldn't just be a human act. The group huddled around a picnic bench, furthest away from Eddies trailer per Rory's request.

N- "So you're saying this thing that killed Fred and Chrissy, its from the Upside down?"

S- "If the shoe fits."

D- "Our working theory is that he attacks with a spell or a curse. Now, whether or not he's doing the bidding of the Mind Flayer or just loves killing teens, we dont know"

M- "all we know is this is something different. Something new."

N- "It doesn't make sense."

D- "It's only a theory."

N- "No, Fred and Chrissy don't make sense. I mean, why them?"

The group started making connections between Fred and Chrissy, when their mood changed, stalking before attacking but when the subject of mentioning it to someone came around, Aurora suddenly remembered something that she had seen at school 2 days before spring break.

A- "Chrissy did tell someone. I saw her, she was leaving Ms. Kelley's office. If she saw a monster, she wouldn't go to the police. They wouldn't believe her. But you might go to you-"

M- "Your shrink."

The two girls looked at each other with a mixture of accomplishment and fear, what if more kids had seen this monster recently? What if it's more people than they think?  Robin and Nancy decided to team up while the rest of them made their way to the school. Rory was praying that Eddie was safe, that he hadn't been caught, if she was completely honest she wanted to be with him right now it was the only place she felt truly safe.

Vecnas curse // Eddie Munson x OCWhere stories live. Discover now