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As Eddie and the rest of the group finished setting up the Dungeons and Dragons board, Eddie sat down next to Rory where she sat drawing in her sketchbook. He tried to look over at what she was drawing but she slammed the sketchbook shut before he could see what it was. He chuckled softly and put his hands up as if surrendering. 

E- "Do you think your brother found a replacement?"

A- "Probably, when he needs to do something, especially something he cares about. He takes it pretty seriously." 

Just as she said this the door swung open and in came Dustin, Mike and... Erica. Rory's mouth dropped open in a gasp as she smiled brightly at the young girl, Erica and her being very close and always ganging up on Dustin when possible. Eddie looked over at the trio and looked slightly offended at the sight of the young girl.

E- "Absolutely not."

D- "You asked for a sub. We delivered."

E- "This is Hellfire Club. Not Babysitting club."

Erica - "I'm 11, you long-haired freak."

A- "Erica!"

Eddie- "My, my, the child speaks."

A- "Come on Eds, give her a chance"

Eddie- "So this is Sinclairs infamous sister."

Erica- "He's sharp"

Eddie- "What's your class and level? Level 1 dwarf?"

Erica- "My name is Lady Applejack. And I'm a chaotic good half-elf rogue, level 14. I will sneak behind any monster you throw my way and stab them in the back with my poison soaked kukri. And I'll smile as I watch them die a slow, agonizing death. So, we gonna do this or we gonna keep chitchatting like this is your mommy's book club?"

Eddie seemed impressed by Erica as he gave a smile and held out his hand welcoming the young girl to Hellfire club. The Cult of Vecna began as Rory stay seated next to Eddie while he leads the game. The girl loved how passionate he was about it, watching him intently as his dramatically spoke.

E- "The hooded cultists chant, 'Hail Lord Vecna' they turn to you remove their hoods...."

Eddie continued but Aurora had turned back to her sketchbook occasionally glancing up at Eddie or looking down at the people surrounding the table when the cheer or protest. The table erupted into chants as the tournament was coming close to the end. Aurora was getting a headache from all the noise she was ready to go to sleep, although she was too excited to feel tired as she was going back to Eddies trailer tonight. Someone shouting brought her attention away from her sketchbook once more that night.

G- "Time out! Time out!"

The group huddled into a corner away from Eddie and Rory, the two trying their hardest to eavesdrop into the conversation. After about 3 minutes, Eddie was fed up of waiting around.

E- "Hey! If I may interject, gentlemen, Lady Applejack. Whilst I respect the passion you'd be wise to take Gareth the Great's concern to heart. There is no shame in running. Don't try to be heroes. Not today, 'kay"

The group huddled back together as Eddie looked over at Rory who seemed to be scribbling harshly on the page of her sketchbook as if drawing big circles around the page. The group spun back round as Eddie quickly turned away from the girl since she had looked up at the group standing before them.

D- "Lets kill the son of a bitch"

The group continued to argue as Dustin made his way up to the table, taking the dice off Eddie, shaking it excessively and throwing it out infront of him. The group looked down at the D20 including Rory as she was suddenly invested. Eddie thrashes his head around slightly as he yells up at the group.

E- "That's a miss!"

The group shout out angrily at the table as if they didn't take this risk themselves. Erica steps up to the table and begins to shake the dice with a hopeful look on her face, those around her staring desperately down at the girl. She throws it out in front of her and they all watch as it lands on 20, the group begins to cheer and Eddie excitedly gets out of his chair. Rory looks round at the group with a smile, they were so happy and Eddie was looking proud of his team. Aurora looked down at Erica as Eddie waved his hands down as if metaphorically saluting her. She looked so proud and it made Rory happy.


Walking out of the school, Eddie and Rory went over to his van waiting for Chrissy to come over. When Chrissy arrived they all got in the van and began the drive to the trailer park, music playing loudly from the van. When they arrived Rory spotted Max over at one of the neighbouring trailers and decided to go say hello.

A- "Hey Eds"

E- "Yeah?"

A- "I'm gonna go say hi to Max i'll be back in a bit, okay?"

E- "Okay, no worries"

Aurora made her way over to Max who looked weirded out by the sight of Chrissy going into Eddies trailer. She was bent down feeding a dog so Rory kneeled down next to her with a smile, the girls talked for a while, Max promising not to tell anyone why Chrissy was at Eddies trailer. After a while the girls went into Max's trailer, her mom was passed out on the couch with beer cans all over the floor. Max began to pick them up so Rory helped, Max gave the girl a soft smile. She always found comfort whenever she was around Aurora, maybe it was because she would stand up to Billy for her when he was alive or maybe it was how fearless she was when Hawkins was invaded by the upside down.

The girls made their way to the kitchen, the kitchen blinds were open looking directly over at Eddies trailer. The girls were eating cold pizza from a pizza box they had found in the fridge, they were talking mostly about her counselling sessions at school and how frustrated she felt when she had to go there. The flashing of lights made their way into the kitchen, the source of it seemed to be coming from Eddies trailer. The two girls looked at each other, fear rising in their stomachs.

'No.' thought Rory, 'Not him. You can't have him. I won't let you.' Just as she was about to make a run for it out of max's trailer, she felt a hand grab her wrist. She looked back over at Max, ripped her wrist away from the girls hand and threw the door open running out towards Eddies trailer where she could hear him shouting for Chrissy. She threw open Eddies door, he was lying on the floor in front of her screaming, she looked to the left and...

Vecnas curse // Eddie Munson x OCWhere stories live. Discover now