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Aurora sat with Steve and Robin putting cloth into bottles of alcohol they found in a cabinet in the RV. Max and Nancy were cutting down the barrel of the shotgun, Lucas and Erica were sat tying spikes to the end of large sticks while Eddie and Dustin were hammering spikes into the lids of trash cans. Aurora watched her brother and boyfriend joking around, laughing when Eddie tackled her brother and they began play fighting, her heart dropped slightly at the sight of them. A gut feeling telling her she should be worried about one of them.

Steve and Robin were talking about Robins crush on some girl from band while Aurora was becoming very zoned out, she kept getting a sort of ringing in her head. In the past she used to get it a lot, it hasn't been present for a while and the feeling of it made her stomach churn. Looking out at Eddie and her brother a small tear made its way down her cheek, she wiped it quickly before either Steve or Robin had time to notice. Not that they would, them being in what looked like a deep conversation.


She sat next to Dustin on the grass, picking out daisys and beginning to make a daisy chain. Dustin sat next to her drawing out the plan as if re-running his lines for a play.

A- "Do you think El is okay? I mean why aren't they answering?"

D- "I'm sure she's okay. Joyce is probably just taking up the phone, why do you ask?"

A- "There's this ringing in my head and I know it's probably nothing but something is telling me to listen to it. El is like my sister, before you and mom its was me and Hopper and then El came along at that was my family for a while. I always feel like we are connected  and this ringing feels like a warning, I don't know maybe its stupid."

There was silence between the two of them, Dustin didn't know what to say to comfort the girl. He knew she missed Hopper and El, even though he knew she loved him and their mom there was always something for her when it came to her 'sister' and 'father'. Instead of responding he threw his arms around the girl and hugged her lovingly to let her know he was there and that he believed her and the way she was feeling.

~Meanwhile with El~

Raising her hand to the helicopter above her, she focused all her energy onto the anger they have created in trying to take down her and 'papa'. The helicopter began moving side to side as if losing control of itself, she used her energy to spin the helicopter higher and faster into the air. Pulling it down to the ground as hard as she could, she screamed out from using so much enery, falling to her knees when it became too much. The helicopter exploded as it hit the ground with such force and El stared back at it, the blood gushing out of her nose. A ringing in her head started the minute she saw the man on the helicopter shoot at Dr Brenner, snapping back into reality she looked behind her and saw Mike, Jonathan and Will waiting to save her.

Vecnas curse // Eddie Munson x OCWhere stories live. Discover now