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Aurora walked with Nancy and Robin, wanting to get out of the woods as quickly as possible. Eddie wasn't far behind them, keeping his eye on Aurora while she walked ahead of him. Steve made the decision to speak to Eddie properly considering he had seen the exchange between him and his bestfriend a few minutes before.

The boys started talking about the bats and Dustin, the whole time Eddie was keeping his eye on his girl. They started talking about Nancy and how she jumped straight in to save him immediately, they also spoke about the fact that the only real reason he jumped in was for Rory and if he jumped in for her the same way Nancy did for Steve, he shouldn't just forget about Nancy. There's something still there between the two, everyone could see it. The ground began to shake again, stopping the boys conversation and the girls in their tracks.

R- "Okay. Second on my list of least favourite things, earthquakes. Seriously, I'm unsteady enough as it is."

Nancy took off running, the two girls shouted out for her. Aurora took off after her, staring at the house in front of them. The rest of the group caught up to them, they began to head towards the Wheeler house. 

~ Back in the real world~

Dustin was trying to get in contact with the group on the radio but couldn't get a hold of them. Lucas and Erica started to argue about telling Erica about what was going on, after speaking to her, Dustin began making connections about Vecna opening gates every time he made a kill. Failing to notice the flickering of the lights outside the front door.


Nancy opened the front door to the house, they made their way up the stairs towards Nancy's room. Steve had stopped half way up after hearing Dustin's voice. Once they made it in to Nancy's room, she grabbed a shoe box from the top of her closet and brought it to her desk. However, when she opened the box instead of guns there was a pair of shoes in the box. She picked up a pair of flashcards looking through them, she pointed out all the things in her room that were different from how they were now. She picked up her diary and looked through it, going silent.

E- "What is it?"

R- "Nancy? You're freaking me out."

N- "I think the reason that my guns aren't here is because they don't exist yet."

A- "They don't exist?"

N- "This diary should be full of entries. It's not. The last entry is November 6, 1983."

A- "The day Will went missing."

N- "We're in the past."

They heard Steve screaming downstairs, when they got down there he was claiming to hear Dustin. They thought he was crazy, that was until they started to hear his voice too. Nancy tried to turn the lights on to get Dustin's attention on the other side but none of them would turn on. When Steve shined his flashlight towards the ceiling the light started glowing, they made their way towards it. Aurora lifted her hand towards the specks of light and it glowed around her fingers.

N- "Does anyone know Morse code?"

A&S&R- "No."

E- "Wait, does SOS count? Is that... is that good?"


They were now in Nancy's room crouched beside the bed, waiting for whatever ridiculously clever plan Rory's brother came up with. When the speck of lights, shone through Nancy put her hand up to it moving it around. They heard Dustin's laugh indicating that it had worked, Lucas unplugged the machine they were using and Nancy wrote out the word 'Hi' when Dustin confirmed that it worked they all cheered slightly. Nancy then wrote out the word 'Stuck' when he asked about Watergate, Aurora understood why her brother had come up with it.

S- "What the hells Watergate?"

A- "Because it's in water and it's a gate."

E- "That's cute."

Nancy then wrote out the word 'guarded' when Dustin said that he had a theory for that they all sighed in relief. He started to explain his theory of a gate being at every murder site, Nancy drew out a question mark and Dustin started to rant about just trusting him.

A- "Eddie how far is your trailer?"

E- "Seven miles."

A- "Nancy? I know your house here is creepily frozen in time and shit but haven't you always had bikes?"

The group looked back at Nancy expectantly before they all left the room to go to the garage.


Vecnas curse // Eddie Munson x OCWhere stories live. Discover now